This official Palworld dating sim is the stuff of nightmares to – 59 points –
This official Palworld dating sim is the stuff of nightmares



Palworld has two jokes they'll repeat for the next decade or so: slave labor and being horny.

They saw PokΓ©mon dancing around those two and animal brutality, and decided to settle down right in the middle of it. The whole game is like a big April Fools joke.

I mean, just play Palworld, Princess Maker 2 and Hatoful Boyfriend and you basically got the desired experience.

I mean, I assume.
I think I'm too ace for this.

Do you mean the April Fool's Day joke?

From the article you didn't read:

I should make it absolutely clear, this is a joke

From OPs summary you didn't read:

Pocketpair reveals a Palworld dating sim as part of an April Fool's Day joke

But hey, if you're not sure, you're better off asking.

But is it an April fools day joke? I can't tell.

The april fools joke is that they're saying its a joke. They for real gonna release some shit like this next year.

I'd unironically watch a let's play of that if it got released.

Please reread the comment you replied to, I think that should clear things up. If not, try reading the article.

Sorry I can't read, can you tell me if it's a joke or not?

Why even come to this platform just to be a troll

Friend, I'm not trolling. I'm just being silly. I apologize if I was antagonizing you. The post was a joke and I was making a joke as well, I'm sorry it didn't land.

I did both and am still confused.