How's my favorite noise machine today?

The Picard to – 869 points –

Add a dialup modem and a dot matrix printer and you have a symphony.

For the extra lazy here's the top two songs. Imperial March Bohemian Rhapsody

Internet used to be so slow that you had a tv next to the computer so you could keep yourself entertained until the funny picture loaded.

I remember downloading an mp3 took about as much time as listening to it.


Youngin. I remember downloading a song took an hour. Want to download an album? Better clear out your weekend and hope no one else needed the phone

I think my first modem was a 14400. It was so slow, but somehow I was so patient. If I was getting 3KB a second, I was happy.

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Downloadlng kinky pictures, you'd better have a kink for hairstyles or eyebrows, because it'll be a while before anything else displays.

You could literally hear the bytes passing through your modem if you wanted.

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Related LGR video on the HDD Clicker that adds mechanical hard disk sounds to SSDs.

That was a fun video and you introduced me to a new youtube channel! Thanks 😁

No worries. The 8-Bit Guy, Michael MJD, Action Retro, and Cathode Ray Dude are all YouTubers in a similar vein in my opinion that I would recommend.

That's also LGR's second channel by the way. His main channel is LGR.

Macintosh Performa models had downright adorable little bwip... bwip... bwip noises.

Me: Reminisces in SCSI hard drive earthquake noises.

Hearing all the noises in the right sequence was how you knew everything was working on startup

I bet I could close my eyes and still tell you what each of those sounds meant and in what order from my family's first computer (a 386!) if you played a recording of it today

3002665366 5208755582 9033345000 0630933184 0963550392 7511664147 1820499734 7258296126 8465252516 0599730397 7136252641 3845705669 5451577926 0131893735 7274065594 2954866195 5500233594 0141755020 7972844581 9877971506 5208866445 6063529812 5105856946 5863222721 8084121192 5215135767 7643686166 3658503648 8965559254 3283996428 3497349348 0491331159 9270875024 8686527579 0593419975 6940012558 8217002911 0362048989 7804985303 4736850964 4603348329 8174632206 3239807745 3006125177 8102438021 5244451216 0666763938 7349877224 7712704913 5501839059 8258287209 8192708586 0291680960 1806857568 7654265894 7974099940 0600414826 9370397070 9106242919 9102694366 2917872935 0146346432 1681045878 5589853876 7917170874 0469523706 3150045348 7874232848 7184228390 4218581564 8481526066 8122293859 2616579736 5455257600 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000 must have been a cool computer indeed.

I remembered that when I was young I had to wait for the summer to play late at night because we had centralized AC and all bedroom doors were closed. It was the only time when they could not hear my PC :D

Friend and I started doing water cooling stuff.
He could only play in winter, because he could place his water bucket on the balcony

You can use negative decibels, right? It's a logarithmic scale

Only complaint I have is that some modern monitors start making a high pitched noise with age. I sincerely thought I had tinnitus before I figured that out

This explains so much... I always wondered why it went away when I turned the power strip off... (this is real). In all seriousness, I am shockingly relieved. Also very annoyed. Very, very annoyed. That monitor was so goddamn extensive!

I'm not sure if its a federation issue or not but your comment appears several times.

That's not good. I would be worried about the potential fire hazard.

The noise is one or more components physically osculating

That's an understandable worry, but the fucker has not burst into flames yet nor has it made any indication of doing so anytime soon, and I don't leave the room with it on. I treat most technology like a burning candle

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I actually like that my gaming computer makes a bit of noise. I can tab out while it's loading a game with tons of mods and know by the sound exactly when it's ready to play.

Oh not mine. I got 6 industrial grade 140mm case fans. My leafblower is going to take off the ground before it overheats.

Dreamcast: What? WHAT? WHAT!? I can't hear you! What?