Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform to – 435 points –
Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform

I'm a moderate. I tend to take a lot of what I read online with a grain of salt (as everyone should, but you know how that goes).

A few months ago I decided to try X again and see for myself. I thought "what if this is just exaggerated hysterics, and the site really isn't that bad."

No. It's not exaggerated. It's not hysterics. X / Twitter really is that bad of a dumpster fire. You can say "I don't like Nazis" and a billion bots will accuse you of being a woke radical leftist.

Sold my well-aged account to a scammer, haven't looked back.

How much did the scammer pay you?

Asking the real questions.

Yeah, like WTF was that at the end there? I can't imagine wanting my account used for such a thing.

So you hate what's happening but you contribute to the issue in exchange for money?
Is that moderate?

Caring only about their personal comfort and feeling smugly superior to anyone on a “side” is the essence of the modern moderate. They’ll miss society crumbling around them because their heads are too far up their own asses.

Don't forget. Musky boy literally said the jews are behind advertisers leaving. Straight up blamed jews.

It is an absolute shithole filled with the worst of humanity who are hiding behind anonymity to spread hate.

And yet so many people still use it. We are the worst.

Don't worry, as soon as the fervor dies down Hyundai will go crawling back.

Just like the advertisers did the last time they feigned outrage over the Nazi/WhiteSupremacist/Racist bullshit on twitter. Or the time before that one, or the time before that one, or the time before...

I used to use tumblr for porn, then it went to twitter and telegram, after X took over I stopped using twitter.

All of that to say that every so often I’ll hop on my scarcely used smut account and within three scrolls of the home feed I saw some of the worst in humanity, the content would have been bad enough on its own, but my god, the comments…