Don’t be that guy to Lemmy – 977 points –

But if he is complaining then he is commenting which is contributing. He's a helpful little douche!

My philosophy is to just post whatever I'm thinking and let the down votes sort it out. It's not like we have a total score to worry about anyways.

This was honestly the best meme back in the day. It was so great you only needed the hat, for scumbag anything. Just add the hat. Later just the brain was enough. Good times.

Is it shitbag steve?

Can someone please remind me wtf this one was called lmao

Scumbag Steve.

I knew I was wrong but I just couldn't recall the right one. Thank you!

Dirtbag Devin obviously.

(I think it was Scumbag Steve though)

I don't hate that version though, for what it's worth

Oh hell yes, break open the vaults, release the sacred texts from their dusty tombs.

DO IT, just DO IT! Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just. DO IT! Make. your dreams. COME TRUE! Just… do it! Some people dream of success, while you’re gonna wake up and work HARD at it! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!You should get to the point where anyone else would quit, and you’re not gonna stop there. NO! What are you waiting for? … DO IT! Just… DO IT! Yes you can! Just do it! If you’re tired of starting over, stop. giving. up.