Jerry Seinfeld Apologizes for Bee Movie's ‘Sexual Undertones’ During Duke Commencement Address to Not The – 91 points –
Jerry Seinfeld Apologizes for Bee Movie's ‘Sexual Undertones’ During Duke Commencement Address

Jerry Seinfeld jokingly apologized for the 'sexual undertones' in 2007's 'Bee Movie' while giving a commencement speech at Duke University on May 12.


Buried in a small paragraph:

Seinfeld's commencement speech at Duke also drew public attention when anti-war protesters walked out of the ceremony and booed from the audience when the TV star took the podium, according to NBC News and CBS News.

Are they booing him for saying or doing something stupid? Or is it about his religion?

Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.

Jerry Seinfeld has come out in support of Israel.

Never said anything about Israel and I don't need that info. I've been beating that drum since being banned from reddit for stating that talking shit on a government is not attacking religion or the people of the country.

So something stupid he said. Ok sounds about right.

You asked whether it was about his religion, implying it was antisemitism at play.

Unfunny old fart makes unfunny jokes when he doesn’t have Larry David propping him up.

I was disappointed a few weeks back when he said that stuff about how “wokeness is ruining comedy”. Trying to explain away the fact why he’s no longer relevant, likes it’s the children who are wrong.

That's a fucking weird thing to bring up.

I mean, it was a fucking weird thing for the movie to do, too.

He should apologize for making Unfrosted.

Nah, it was good at being what it was supposed to be. Not every movie needs to be an artistic cinematic masterpiece.

What was it suppose to be? Unfrosted was a great title because the movie had no substance.

It was supposed to be a movie with no substance.

What did people like about it? The 90s references fell flat and despite the A-list casting choices the script was abysmal. For an hour long, “sitcom style” movie there wasn’t any setup/payoff.

I tried to watch it this past weekend. I can watch basically anything. I stopped twenty minutes in and that was being generous. And I was/am a huge Seinfeld show fan. I don't understand what others see. It was awful. The target audience was not me.

it was good at what it was supposed to be

What was it supposed to be? It was a movie with no substance

It was supposed to be a movie with no substance.

That's really the extent of how far I'm willing to go to bat for fuckin Unfrosted my dude. Of all the movies ever made, Unfrosted ranks pretty high on the scale of "I really don't care about it (or what anyone thinks about it) one way or another."

I heard (no idea if it's true because I really don't care enough to look into it) that he made a bland and inoffensive movie because comedy is too woke and you can't say anything any more, so there's no point trying to be funny. I'm not sure if that being true or a joke would be sadder for him.

The cool thing about movies is you don't have to watch them if you don't want to.