Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Final Fantasy 16 and Foamstars all sold less than expected, Square Enix president says

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 68 points –
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Final Fantasy 16 and Foamstars all sold less than expected, Square Enix president says | VGC

"Kiryu also reportedly said the publisher was confident Final Fantasy 16 would be able to achieve its goal over its 18-month plan, and that while Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Foamstars weren’t as much as expected, that didn’t mean they were bad."

Maybe stop setting insane expectations?

And you, consumer, stop buying these shitty micro transactions in these stupid games as service games.

This has been a thing with Squenix for over a decade.

The Tomb Raider reboot trilogy, too. The first one sold well so they upped the budget and then did a surprised Pikachu face when the sales didn't go up to match.

Their execs seem to think spending on production automatically means sales will go up to match, which is why their franchises have so oddly good production quality, even as the game ends up mediocre.

When I heard Rebirth would be "bigger and better and open world" I just went "here we go again".

Intergrade worked for a lot of people, but when shit works, Squenix just can't leave it alone. They immediately throw way too much money at it, scaling things up to the point they miss out on why something worked in the first place.

At least with Rebirth, it worked in terms of gameplay and has reached critical success, but their scale of how much more money it should make is just so insane. It's not a games as a service game and it isn't filled with micro transactions and not should it be. I just hope this doesn't cause them to start heading more into that direction.

I mean, it doesn't automatically result in atrocious games, either. The Tomb Raider games we'ren't bad, Deus Ex Mankind Divided was incredible, and recent Final Fantasy games have a ton of fans.

They just can't seem to understand that overspending past a certain point doesn't get you a more better game, and therefore more better sales. Whenever they hit a balance, they instantly overshoot thinking they can just "venture capital" their way to the big bucks the second something has a semblance of traction.

When they should be making more games, at medium budgets, they push for fewer games with bigger budgets, and then act surprised when all the eggs in one basket meant some of them cracked under the weight.

I'd like to see new ips from them. Squinix still makes really solid games which is nice.

Never heard of Foamstars but the FF games have no micro transactions. I also know the FF games will reach sales goals over time once more people get access to the PS5 or when they release PC ports. And I know several people who are waiting to play the FF7 remakes until all 3 games of the trilogy are released.

Sorry, meant that I don't want them to end up making these games to be full of micro transactions just so it hits insane profit goals.

It's almost as if people don't want to buy their $500 exclusivity box.

Just wait a couple of years for their $700 Exclusivity Box 6 to come out with marginal graphics improvements, and oh by the way your old games are useless, but feel free to buy them again with sloppily upscaled textures.

If they time it right they can even release Overpriced Game Pt. 3 as an exclusive on the new box so you can never play them all on one system.

PS3 is the only Sony console not to have significant backwards compatibility support on newer lines of their product. PS2 played all PS1 games, 3 played all PS2 and PS1 games at first, then all PS1 games after redesign. PS5 plays all PS4 games. There’s no reason to believe PS6 or whatever won’t play PS5 and likely PS4 games also.

On the bright side, I don't think we'll have to buy them again. We can play them with a Exclusivity Plus Ultra Platinum Day 0 Premium++ with Squenix 385/2 Materia Edition Subscription™️ for only $50 a month!

Huh maybe they shouldn't have attempted to make their customers pay 3 times to play one game.

Yeah especially now that it's very clearly the game plan. It works when people aren't certain a PC port is coming but now that we know every PlayStation game gets a PC port, why bother?

I don't mind this personally. The world of FFVII is huge, and the remaster has so much more detail in it. It's not like the remasters are short games, expecting the entire FFVII story to be told in this kind of detail in one £50 box is kind of a big ask.

Yeah that's not what they're doing with FFVII. These are three, very large, separate games. I'm nearly 100 hours into Rebirth and I'm probably about halfway through. Remake took me 80+, and the Intergrade was maybe 20 or so.

And not a moment of it has felt wasted or boring to me. Even the card game in Rebirth is incredible. I think they're maybe even making an irl card game out of it.

Maybe it's nostalgia as the original was a massive part of my childhood. But I love what they're doing and where they're going with the new series.

Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Trilogy collection to be released and discounted to $60.

But the original FF7 spanned three disks, why shouldn't the remaster?

!lol I got 2!<

I bought Remake on launch day. Haven't bought Rebirth yet. Not because I'm not interested, I'm very excited for it. It was mostly just because I don't have a PlayStation 5 yet. And money's been pretty tight for the last year or so.

This article is the most I've heard about Foamstars since it was announced.

Only thing I gathered about Foamstars, around the time it appeared, is "yeah it sounds like Splatoon, but not really".

It's been so generally overlooked I don't even remember what was supposed to make it different. So yeah, that's a weak basis for any kind of interest.

I would have bought 7 rebirth by now, but a full priced game is a bit of a lift for me ATM. 16 was really good, imo, and comfortably exceeded my expectations.

After XV, FFXVI FAR exceeded my expectations. I'd definitely put it as a top 5 Final Fantasy game, personally.

Agreed, 15 was a huge let down for me because I didn't take a college course on the lore and watch the movie and all that, so I just kinda went through it like "okay, and...?" And then the game ended.

The game had so many moments where I said "this seems like it should be a big deal". It turns out the moment was tied to the movie/show/DLC.

For me, XVI is the most narratively impressive game I've ever played.

It's definitely among the best and most powerful narratives I've played through. Up there with Last of Us 1 and 2 (although I'd put it solidly 3rd, behind those two).

I bought FF7 rebirth without watching any videos of it, expecting an updated final fantasy game. What I got was a final fantasy themed dragons age. Refunded that shit after a half hour.