World's top golfer Scottie Scheffler arrested on charges of assaulting officer at PGA championship event to – 114 points –
World's top golfer Scottie Scheffler arrested on charges of assaulting officer at PGA championship event

So far there's no video of what actually happened as far as I know. That means whatever the cops said is almost definitely not the truth.

Exactly. Especially with resisting arrest or assaulting an officer charges. Cause they love to throw those charges at people as punishment and escalation to create an arrest where there was otherwise no legal basis for one.

The cop clung to the car as the golfer drove ten yards. I’m guessing that is the “assault” against the cop.

The cop is hospitalized, so he may have hurt himself pretty badly.

Sucks to suck. Maybe he should have considered the consequences of his actions prior to doing said actions.

The cop "attached" himself to the vehicle. So he is being charged with assault on a police officer because the cop chose to assault himself rather than just pulling the driver over like a sane person.

The cop was on foot and told the golfer to stop, the golfer didn't stop. Sounds kinda cut and dry to me.

Yeah pretty cut and dry that that pig deserved anything that happened to him. Poor widdle dipshit had no cruiser? Too fucking bad.

He had no cruiser because it was a crime scene where someone died? I'm just as anti-cop as the next guy but, jesus dude did I hurt your feelings somewhere?

No but you can if you want to it's a turn on. I just hate cops. And when they hang onto a vehicle because they forget they are only human and not robocop, I absolutely think they deserve it.

So he just teed off. Fucking wild how quickly he got processed. Almost like there is a warp speed drive for the rich.

It's not just that he's rich. It's that if he didn't get released, a PGA event wasn't ever happening in Louisville again. At least in this case police overreach didn't cause significant harm.

So it's because he's rich and has even richer friends.

I don't care for rich folk but the cops definitely got over zealous on this. The police are everyone's problem.

What sort of person leaves their 9 day old baby to go play golf? What a douche.

A professional golfer? He’s going to work…

One of the people who can definitely afford to not need to be away after the kid's born. If you have the opportunity, why not spend the time with them?

I read a bit about him this morning. He’s at the top of his game and has an opportunity to make a ton of money with this major tournament.

As someone who took as much paternity leave as possible I totally understand why he did this.

I get your point of view, but athletes have a limited window to make as much money as possible (especially in a sport like golf where there are no guaranteed contracts). I’m sure the mother understands the decision as a long term one.

Holy shit, do you think the kid's gonna reschedule his development windows for golf? It's his first kid, and he's making a mistake. Doesn't matter if the mom's OK, him being absent means less familiarity with his own son's behavior and needs. Why every mother doesn't insist on massive father involvement during her own recovery from birth is insane.

You know nothing about his relationship with his child. This is wild speculation on your part.

I know how long it takes to recover from birth, and 8 days ain't it

You have abnormal fascination with the fact that this particular father did not father the way you wish he had fathered.

Did Scotty sign a waiver stating he would follow your fatherly guidelines?