Reddit is a shithole to Lemmy – 1730 points –

The image is a reddit post with the following text (automatically transcribed):

I remember I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs to harass me. I clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on r/piss. At that moment I realized I had spent so much pointless time arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby. This site is a shit hole.


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Lololol imagine thinking lemmy is better than reddit for those reasons 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have yet to have someone stalk me on Lemmy. Happened on Reddit all the time.

Yet. Reddit has been around for over a decade and has millions of users and lemmy has like a half million users. Lemmy isn't better, there's just a lot less of it. Duh.

Smaller is often better. See Usenet and the Eternal September.

For a site like reddit/lemmy, more is better. You need enough users that you can find any niche community u want.

I guess I would rather have less bots, trolls and angry assholes than have more niche communities.

I respect that, but I personally do value the goldmine of pragmatic advice and answers that virtually only reddit provided so quickly

Like with most things, more is better until it isn't. Non-niche subreddits are night impossible to have any meaningful discussion on because there's too much damn noise.

You can absolutely have the opposite example. I'm subbed to a bunch of niche Lemmy instances, and no one has posted anything in there for literally months.

Yup, that's the trade-off. A reasonable solution is to use Reddit (with adblocking on) for niche discussion only and Lemmy for anything else.

yes, but it's easier to create a smaller subreddit and get a sustainable subscriber base, than to create a niche community on lemmy and hope that people eventually stumble onto it.

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The people with the presence of mind, principles, and ability to leave reddit so seem to be better. I tend to like posts here better. That'll change as better clients, more users and better stability come online though.

A platform is as good as it's users. I left Reddit because it turned into a shithole. I'll do the same with Lemmy if that happens.

I actually like the multiple smaller communities here, it's part of the charm. If you think an instance is becoming too big just go to another one.

You can't really do that on Reddit since everyone is on the same big instance.

Also leaving Reddit is the best thing for my mental health I've done in a while

You and your conservacuck bumchums need to go back to Reddit and stay on Twitter fantasising about elon.

"People I disagree with are probably conservative."

Oh no, you have to say that but use the words fascist now. That's the new norm.

Well, "Everyone I disagree with is a Nazi" is usually a right-wing strawman. Usually.

I'll take "examples of adult tantrums" for $100, Alex!

*...we still do Jeopardy jokes right...? *

The lowest dollar amount on Jeopardy! is $200 now and Alex Trebek has been dead since 2020, but yeah, I think so. Have an updoot.

Sometimes it only takes one comment to know my life will be better never seeing another. Blocked

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