Reddit is a shithole to Lemmy – 1730 points –

The image is a reddit post with the following text (automatically transcribed):

I remember I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs to harass me. I clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on r/piss. At that moment I realized I had spent so much pointless time arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby. This site is a shit hole.


Humanity is a shithole. Social media is a cross-section.

I hate that pov so much.

Humanity is fantastic, wonderful, loving and amazing. It's not a shit hole.

I'd argue society is really broken in some places, but not humanity.

As for Social media: it just brings out some dark side in some people. The vast majority of people on social media behave. It's just that the outliers catch the attention.

I hate this pov so much.

I think it perpetuates that things are better than they actually are and inhibits change and progress… we’re all different I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️

Fair enough :)

I just don't see how believing the worst in your fellow human can encourage you to improve things.

Pessimism is easy and lazy thinking. People also think it makes you look more insightful and wiser to look down your nose at everything.

believing the worst in your fellow human can encourage you

It doesn't, it never did, it never will.

But the poster you replied to has a point:

Just like most animals the greater majority of people try to avoid as many direct conflicts as possible IRL. And they're full of empathy and compassion - even for other animals in distress and inanimate objects (saw off the fingers of a plastic doll in front of others and see how they treat you afterwards).

But of course people will lose a part of that compassion etc once they move within society without feeling like a part of it. One example is driving a car. You're way less aware of being a part of society even though you're "swimming" in it. Feeling a strong individual agency and being empowered by two tons of steel while simultaneously being greatly restricted by everyone and everything around you will do that to you.

Same goes for the (social) media landscape. We feel empowered by our own echo chambers and/or chosen media outlet while barely interacting with anyone who could challenge our beliefs (which, funnily enough, is often the right call in that context, because we can't change strong opposing beliefs via social media). And since it's all an indirect, mostly faceless interaction, our beliefs will automatically be strengthened and we'll be more likely to agitate anyone with opposing beliefs (while still avoiding any direct conflict).

So I'd say it's more of a flaw in our design, that is being exploited, than a general lack of sympathy/empathy (of which we actually have plenty).

Which means you can't hold any one individual to higher standards. Because that's not where we "fail". It'd take a much broader appliance of social securities (housing, food, healthcare, education etc all over the world) and a fundamental change in the way we interact. But you and I won't change that (though I guess it's comforting telling ourselves that we could individually change things on a greater scale).

Thank you for being much more eloquent than me.

The average troll wouldn't be an asshole in real life. They'd likely just be an average bloke like us all that lost theirselves in online anonimity.

Time and time again we see that in many disasters the majority of people in the affected community come together and help each other tremendously.

There is ofcourse always rotten apples and exceptions. That doesn't take away from the fact that people are inherintly good to their fellow human.

One major issue is we assume the motivations of others all the time, usually negative. Add anonymity to the mix and you have social media rage. A good place to start is to occasionally think "Maybe I'm not 100% right. Maybe they are at least partially right also." Also, "What could be their reasons for thinking that?" without dismissing them out of hand. The press encourages rage by presenting us with a filter of negativity and constantly pressing our anger buttons.

True psychopaths exist but not to the extent people may think.

If you consider that we are currently destroying our eco system that we need to survive and have known for over 50 years that the co2 levels will cause major issues, but nobody really felt the need to act. And when the countries actually sat together and made the Kyoto contracts the USA steped in and fucks up the whole idea. Thanks Bush you little Oil-fucker!

Considering that you could say humanity is fucked and humans are at fault. And if you look at it the people voting are at fault too, falling for company and other proparganda and voting for a government that fucks them even harder.

I would say humanity as we know it won't exist anymore in 200 years. War, droughts, floods and shit will get us. Even if we would act now the whole planet would need to cooperate. No Chance!

Again, I'd blame society for that, not humanity.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the actual power in the world lies in the hand of just a fraction of percent of the people. Those asshole ruin it for everyone else.

Doesn't mean the average human is evil.

Yeah, I know! But do you see anybody care about that? Do the votes for political parties show anything that would mean they don't like those corrupted bastards?

No! Most people don't care or think voting for the same parties will change sth.

I don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't care about this besides the one-off sociopaths you encounter on the internet (though I'm fairly convinced that they also care but just feel powerless to change things). The problem is that the priority for most people is not starving to death within the next month, and that makes it impossible to devote time and energy into solving more long term problems.

The thing is the same people who fuck the planet are responsible for your nonexisting social safety net.

I know people only care about politics when they have nothing else to do, but this is the problem. Most people won't make a well informed decision when voting, because they don't have time to do that. I mean most countries you can't even go vote on sunday

Worse, the average human is self absorbed and apathetic. This enables all of the truly evil to assert itself. Humanity is the sum of its choices and look where that leads. If it's a battle of best vs worst natures, it's become clear what side has prevailed.

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it's like when you cut a tub of ice cream to see the distribution

you can tell a platform hasn't got a good mix of people if there aren't any freaks or difficult bastards

It's ok to be a freak. It's not ok to be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. We like the weirdos for the colourfulness they bring to our lives. No one likes an asshole.

Keep Lemmy weird. Don't be an asshole. Live by these rules and this place will always be great.

We all have our moments (or so he tells himself). I'm not advocating being an asshole, but they do make things seem more real. I've been in online groups where everyone's blandly cordial and it all feels lifeless.

You can be a difficult bastard without being mean though, it's practically my whole job these days.

Actually I think being a difficult bastard, stubborn, or an arsehole is actually needed in certain contexts. Sometimes people are stubborn just because they can, sometimes it's because they are defending themselves or someone else.

Dog Im on social media because Im the shit in the hole. When Im not on social media Im overall a pretty worthwhile person. Causation not correlation etc.

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On lemmy you're just arguing with the same piss enjoyers without a piss home due to lack of active communities. Lemmy is just ex Redditors acting like they are better than Redditors.

Redditors are cool. It's the admin that can eat shit. I'd still be on that site if they weren't greedy fucks.

I can't imagine thinking redditors are cool. Not even redditors think redditors are cool.

Haha, cool as in I have no beef with them. If you thought I meant "hip" I'll just say I can't judge since I've been out of that game for a while, as evidenced by my use of "hip" in a sentence.

can confirm, had 100k comment karma before I left, definitely not cool

Not "redditors" but the niche communities. But that's a numbers and patience game and I've got time.

What's a z+redditor? I also don't fully know what counts as niche. I think I am in a couple of these and there are still assholes, some of which are the most active users or even mods. Some groups are okay but these are the exceptions and not the rules.

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It’s a bit of a stretch to say they’re cool. For the most part they’re tolerable.

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Go back then?

I'm not going to support a scummy corporate company because Lemmy's users can sometimes be elitist.

But it's just the same people right? Except they're worse because they're falsely self important.

(My experience on lemmy is 97% positive, I don't agree with you at all)

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On lemmy search for a board and the same community is on every instance. A little bit of r/piss for everyone.

less cookers as a proportion, but far more tankies

hell i'm here specifically because i liked reddit but, y'know, didn't like the actual reddit platform itself because it's run by absolute wankers.

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I reported an account that was posting CP and they banned ME for report abuse and let them continue posting but removed one of their CP posts. Reddit is a cesspool.

I wonder if Reddit could be held legally liable for trafficking in CP in that case. They were explicitly told "this is CP and should be deleted" and they didn't act.

No idea, it's weird they reacted that way because I reported all three of the CP posts on that account instead of just the one though. Evidently they have some questionable staff.

They didn't care for many years when /jailbait or /creepshots (pictures taken of women without their consent) was still a thing. It brought them traffic along with all their other porn subs

They only cared when advertisers caught wind of them & considered dropping out

From Wikipedia:

Communities devoted to explicit material saw rising popularity, and r/jailbait, which featured provocative shots of underage teenagers, became the chosen "subreddit of the year" in the "Best of reddit" user poll in 2008, and at one point, making "jailbait" the second most common search term for the site.[3] Erik Martin, general manager of Reddit, defended the subreddit by saying that such controversial pages were a consequence of allowing free speech on the site.[117]

Yeah I learned about this recently. Insane isn't it?

So that is ok but if you post to an "unapproved" subreddit (even if you are leaving a criticism of them) you get banned from subreddits by bots. Then you accidently post to one of them from a 2nd account and your account gets perma banned. Yay! "Reddit, a place for open discussion for only people we approve of subject to arbitrary rules."

banned ME for report abuse

Wouldn't be surprised if the poster was a mod.

Reddit teaches you to not argue with people more than absolutely necessary. It's a waste of time. Just stop responding to them if you don't want to talk.

no it doesn't

Meanwhile on Lemmy, you'll get death threats for simply stating you're an arch user.

I commented that I had switched to Firefox browser from a chromium browser and that I was still using it but really didn't like it and listed a few reasons why and got more down votes on that single comment than I'd ever gotten total on reddit. The condescending responses were something else. I almost deleted my account, like sorry, I clearly don't subscribe to the lemmy hive mind, so I don't belong here. I also don't have strong feelings about Linux, guess I should get fucked.

As long as you're not posting toxic stuff, you should just ignore downvotes because many people use them as disagree button instead of replying why they disagree with your points.

I've had people (on both Reddit and Lemmy) go through my post history and put their single downvote on every one of my posts. What the hell is the point of that?

Well, the good thing about Lemmy is your downvotes don't add up to some Karma like it did on Reddit. You're free to state your opinion in one post without having to carry it around everywhere.

The total score is appearently stored on your user somewhere in the database but not displayed... Someone said. They lied?

I would assume it's a hard thing to implement reliably in a system such a lemmy. You could just spin up your own instance and give yourself a ton of points if you really cared for the numbers.

That's true... I wonder how it handles downvotes and upvotes on comments or posts, they are also replicated right? What if some instance goes into the db and changes those numbers?

Then it's only changed on their instance. They'd need to create fake users and send votes for them. At that point others should be able to detect it as botting, at least if the impact is big enough.

I use Summit for my reader and it keeps a total post/comment score. Seems extremely inaccurate though

You can do local counts as the instance owner can see that but afaik the who voted doesn't federate. Might be wrong I need to go back through the docs.

I read that you can see who voted on kbin, so it should be federating for that to work

Kbin is different to lemmy but activitypub only shares certain data. Looking at the tech info the primary server only shares the count to the federation but would know who directly liked it.

Again, without testing on my own server it is hard for me to say with 100% confidence.

You can always go through someone's comments and add up the scores

If you were on a linux or heavily privacy focused community, that'll do it. I don;t mention that I use windows, I just say I'm looking into the swap to linux.

Which is weird because majority of the gaming and corporate world runs on Windows. I dual boot my systems so I have both available.

Reminds me of the time I got downvoted for saying that I'm not going to pre-emptively leave Chrome due to their plans to make adblock stop working until my adblock actually stops working.

You can tell you're perfectly in touch with the Lemmy use base by how your comment claiming they all are evil and hate you is upvoted a lot.

Reminds me of the "Everyone on reddit is a fucking moron" style posts and comments on reddit that would have like 10k up votes lol. I think the reason for it is everyone thinks they're the exception

Firefox not having tab grouping native on mobile is the sole reason I won't switch from chrome, i run adGuard as a vpn anyway so nothing google is doing will affect me.

But also - 20 is rookie numbers, i think i broke -400 on one of my reddit comments years ago, I don't even remember what I said, I don't think it was even political as I lean pretty left.

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I posted a link in ! about how mozilla had ruined firefox, damm got a hell lot of downvotes and a bunch of comments who hadn't even watched the video going 'hurr durr google baddd'

Probably because mozilla didn't ruin Firefox. Like at all. And the alternative is chrome which supports a global spyware system whose goal is ad revenue at the expense of the concept of privacy.

Whoops my bad this logical argument is invalid because I'm simply "hurr durr"-ing

Sorry that you feel that way but I can't see why after checking out the comment. It has downvotes yes. But there's only 1 out of the 5 replies that I could agree is condescending. And it's at the very bottom. The other comments seem to be trying to be helpful (because your experience with firefox can easily be fixed). How would that make you almost delete your account? Unless I'm looking at the wrong comment.

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Not being an Arch user, I see that trend as redundant.

If half of what is said about Arch is true, the system by default tries to kill the user out of sheer exhaustion from keeping it running.

I run Garuda, which is an Arch derivative. Never had much of a problem with it. I update it once or twice a week.

One thing it does is take a snapshot of your previous system before updating, so if something from the update breaks your system, you can roll it back.

Or a windows user...

I will say my next PC I may try to go with a nix distro after being exposed to so many of the latest features, in no small party due to the sentiment on Lemmy.

Mind you, that doesn't mean I won't use windows but I am curious to try. The constant bashing though has gone from slightly unexpected to annoying to now just cute.

True I have yet to see Lemmy being any better. Although it's good to see that even libtards are fleeing from Reddit.

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Reddit was great for things like "Can you recommend some Italian restaurants in the area?" Then you'd get downvoted for recommending some Italian restaurants in the area.

You needed to read between the lines. People were clearly looking for piss drinking tips...not actual Italian restaurants.

Bro imagine having the balls to give someone shit about taste while drinking your own piss

You do realize this is a fake story right?

Yeah but I've met people who do similar things.

Knew a guy who would regularly eat what he called "hot sauce sandwiches" literally just bread with hot sauce on it.

He made fun of me for putting ketchup on my fries 🫠

I got into a reddit fight with someone claiming they never once tried to plug a USB in incorrectly. Another time I got down voted to hell because I asked someone why they go through so many pizza cutters. They claimed they went through like 7 in 3 years. Reddit was bad, but I miss the nostalgia of it. Too bad it only got worse and kicked off third party apps. .

I've only had 1 pizza cutter in my life ( which is my mum's so technically none ) it's gotta be like 20+ years old and still works to this day.

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I got into a reddit fight with someone claiming they never once tried to plug a USB in incorrectly.

How would you know?

They claimed they went through like 7 in 3 years.

Wild guess: they eat a lot of pizza lmao

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Lololol imagine thinking lemmy is better than reddit for those reasons 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have yet to have someone stalk me on Lemmy. Happened on Reddit all the time.

Yet. Reddit has been around for over a decade and has millions of users and lemmy has like a half million users. Lemmy isn't better, there's just a lot less of it. Duh.

Smaller is often better. See Usenet and the Eternal September.

For a site like reddit/lemmy, more is better. You need enough users that you can find any niche community u want.

I guess I would rather have less bots, trolls and angry assholes than have more niche communities.

I respect that, but I personally do value the goldmine of pragmatic advice and answers that virtually only reddit provided so quickly

Like with most things, more is better until it isn't. Non-niche subreddits are night impossible to have any meaningful discussion on because there's too much damn noise.

You can absolutely have the opposite example. I'm subbed to a bunch of niche Lemmy instances, and no one has posted anything in there for literally months.

Yup, that's the trade-off. A reasonable solution is to use Reddit (with adblocking on) for niche discussion only and Lemmy for anything else.

yes, but it's easier to create a smaller subreddit and get a sustainable subscriber base, than to create a niche community on lemmy and hope that people eventually stumble onto it.

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The people with the presence of mind, principles, and ability to leave reddit so seem to be better. I tend to like posts here better. That'll change as better clients, more users and better stability come online though.

A platform is as good as it's users. I left Reddit because it turned into a shithole. I'll do the same with Lemmy if that happens.

I actually like the multiple smaller communities here, it's part of the charm. If you think an instance is becoming too big just go to another one.

You can't really do that on Reddit since everyone is on the same big instance.

Also leaving Reddit is the best thing for my mental health I've done in a while

You and your conservacuck bumchums need to go back to Reddit and stay on Twitter fantasising about elon.

"People I disagree with are probably conservative."

Oh no, you have to say that but use the words fascist now. That's the new norm.

Well, "Everyone I disagree with is a Nazi" is usually a right-wing strawman. Usually.

I'll take "examples of adult tantrums" for $100, Alex!

*...we still do Jeopardy jokes right...? *

The lowest dollar amount on Jeopardy! is $200 now and Alex Trebek has been dead since 2020, but yeah, I think so. Have an updoot.

Sometimes it only takes one comment to know my life will be better never seeing another. Blocked

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This is so fucking funny, thanks for reposting, OP. Rest in piss angry stranger.

Does anyone hear remember r/sinkpissers?

Sadly, yes. Also r/sounding...

Man we got some seriously screwed up people in this world.

One of those is just weird unsanitary behavior and the other is a kink to some.

Are you really going to conflate kink shaming and misbehavior shaming?

Pissing into the sink is hot... that was the kink, right?

I mean really, they're both strong candidates for misbehavior depending on context. I couldn't care less if someone peed in their own sink (and hopefully rinsed at least after).

Once you're peeing in a public restroom's sink... You're almost certainly risking indecent exposure, which is misconduct.

Sounding, it's mostly about consent. It's weird enough that I'd argue it definitely requires consent to even see it in an adult context. lol

I'll upvote you for the point you're going for. I didn't wanna dig this one up, but if the community still exists, go get some eye bleach...


F Reddit and F Spez

Sounding is just a kink. A really weird one, but a kink nonetheless. Think it's really just an alternative way to pleasure the prostate or something?

If yah want the actually fizzityucked urethral insertion subreddit you had to go to r/peehole. Which is the second subreddit to permanently traumatize me enough to stop using r/randnsfw.

Oh sweetheart, if you think sounding is a "really weird" kink, you need to get off the internet yesterday to preserve your innocence. Putting things in your (or any) dick for pleasure is nothing compared to, say, hard vore, gore / mutilation, or edge play.

I have some weird kinks, but sounding is about as vanilla as they come. As long as you aren't using a rose stem or something...

I find it weird, but it's not like it really bothers me at all. Same with guro, it's weird, but just makes me go "whatever".

Seeing a woman shove both a buttplug and a penis up her urethra however? That does make me question things...

I guess the first time wasn't enough hahaha

What... went on in that sub?

People pissing in sinks believe it or not.

Which is pretty bitchin' really, it's like a poor man's urinal.

Like Patches O Houlahan from Dodgeball once said:

"I drink my own piss because its sterile and I like the taste!"

Not sure where that thing about urine being sterile came from, but no, it most certainly isn't!

I assume the thinking is because it's toxic, nothing lives in it. It's an incorrect assumption, there are bacteria in it, but that's probably where the misconception comes from.

I looked it up and found this:

For years, even doctors believed urine was sterile. The myth goes back 50 years, Hilt said, when a screening method for kidney infections was developed. It was a simple and easy test that was soon applied to bladder infections, too.

But the test involved culturing only a small amount of urine in open air, at a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) for 24 hours. Not all bacteria grow in those conditions.

Stop trying to explain jokes Gary, just enjoy the fucking things and smile. If someone is done enough to believe anything from a random comment fuckem lettem nature themselves away.

It's a common misconception. I say let them spread the facts, Joel

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To be fair it happens here. Made a comment about far left & right being manipulated by Russian BS about Ukraine and some very tedious people started at me about how Ukraine are Nazis etc. I suppose it demonstrated my point in a roundabout way.

People here love to act like this stuff is exclusive to reddit when it is in fact a thing called "human nature" and can be observed anywhere there are people.

Yeah, it's pretty much everywhere on the internet. It's not unique to reddit or any other site.

There are many valid problems with the Ukraine and it's history. There are many conversations one could have about it and what the world should be doing in response to their situation.

The whole "They are Nazis!" argument doesn't hold water the moment you carry their view point onto something like the US and ask the exact same questions.

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If someone is a jerk. I block them. Life is to short for trivial people.

I’m here for discussions and not name calling or bad behavior.

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More than once I had someone being an arse to me on reddit, I took a gander at their profile to see what kind of fucko I was dealing with... and it was full of their nudes.

One time it was someone who lived in the same town as me.

Yeah... your insults and comebacks don't hit quite as hard now that I know you're desperate for people to see your vagina.

Wait, you think someone getting naked invalidates their argument?

What argument? I said insults and comebacks. You've tried very hard to miss the point.

Insults and comebacks are arguments. If I say you're a fucking moron because you don't understand basic argumentation and debate that is an argument. Choosing to dismiss an argument because the party delivering the argument is naked is a logical fallacy - there is no standard for argument.

Slight hints of misogyny? What's wrong with people showing off their bodies if they feel like it?

Siiiigh, would it help if I said penis? The last time this happened, it happened to be a woman.

And it's pretty obvious when someone starts shit with people on the Internet for no reason, then posts their uglies all over the net, that they've got a pretty juvenile issue with attention-seeking behaviour in general.

Quite a stretch, my guy.

And no, it would not have helped in the slightest. What people do on the internet is their business - if they feel like posting nudes, so be it. But that does not magically invalidate their opinion(s) in an argument, "juvenile" as they be.

This more so proves your "juveniless" (I hate even using this word) that you try to dig up non-existent dirt on people to crap on their opinions and statements.

Speaking of people who start shit for no reason, invent grievances, etc...

Scroll up, the last guy tried your latest tactic already. Insults and comebacks =/= arguments.

I responded. Feel free to disprove my thesis that you're a fucking moron.

There was someone who used to DM me on Reddit to remind me that I was a c**t.

I think this went on for several years until I just got tired ,reported him to the admins, and had his account banned within the hour.

Other good one was having death threats sent to me by a burner account.

Were you by any chance the mod of r/sciencediscussion?

Nah, largest sub I ever modded was r/boybands.

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Certified Reddit moment.

Like n-word moments from The Boondocks, but on the internet. Far less chance of being shot, but definitely not zero.

Sir, this is a Wendy's. We only serve Shit Posts here, we don't offer drinks.

On a side note, that piss drinker's username wouldn't happen to be u/spez?... 🤔

😂🤣 ... 🤮

I think my favorite example of this was when you'd go to type up a big-ass, well-thought-out reply, but before hitting submit you check their history. Lo and behold, a non-insignificant amount of it is full of comments on loli porn and the darker NSFW subs. And here they are trying to claim the high ground.

Block and move on.

I tried that, that’s how I found out that the amount of blocked accounts you can have is finite.

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I think about this post often and whenever anyone disagrees with me online I like to assume they are a piss drinker too.

I disagree.

PS. Follow me for best piss tastings in town.

just join lemmy

It's already getting infested with the worst of the reddit fuckers, I've been on here for probably 2 months and the first month was great, but it has quickly gotten reddioter and therefore shittier.

Reddit tended to be best where it had stolen better communities from the old web.

For example, r/Excel was always a stunningly chill place to get help with MS Excel. But notice that the community was/is tightly focused on a subject, that subject would have objectively correct answers to any questions about it, and the mods could politely but firmly discourage any spicier conversations as off-topic. You can keep that sort of place decent almost indefinitely.

Such communities would have been their own little message board before Reddit came along and hoovered them all up.

Likewise with all the other subreddits that were famously full of answers, ones you never had heard of. Just the other day I googled a question about some random piece of cable I had in my hand and guess who had answered it 4 years ago? Yeah. Those little communities tend to be really solid. They never get that big, either. You can't just fuck around in them, you have to stay on topic and the average user hates that.

But Reddit turns into a wretched, life-draining parasitic monster in any form where the public feels like they have the right to run their mouths and chatter. So, most of Reddit, really. Anywhere that gives the average schmuck a place to vent will degenerate, rapidly, usually toward an abusive groupthink. It's just populism, then, and a textbook answer to why that's bad.

It's the bane of all social media. I don't think people are generally that shitty. I've decided that social media, including Reddit, just empowers small, loud minorities of miserable, exhausting people who have nigh-fascist opinions on every single thing, and as soon as the normal-ass people see that they've joined the chat, the normal-ass people all vanish, overnight, leaving behind only shitbags who love attention, or believe they have a right to it, at everyone else's expense. There's no getting rid of them when they show up, you can only get rid of you. I hope you weren't having a nice time, because it's over now, time to move on.

Reddit always had its great little subreddits full of truly precious answers as a counterweight to all that. It would appear that they were the only thing of value that Reddit ever had, too.

Lemmy doesn't really have that. It looks like the most obnoxious parts of Reddit came here, so, you know, every computer problem is solved by installing Linux, and other mouthfuls of that flavor. Then somebody opened the floodgates and now you're arguing with Commies about every political thing. Meanwhile, no great little subLemmies full of answers for your obscure questions exist to make up for it.

Like you said, it was super chill for a month, but then, yeah. It's kinda same shit different day. It's reminding me that I've decided to view social media as a vice, almost exactly like smoking, and changing cigarette brands does not solve the problem.

pretty good assessment honestly. Those on topic niche communities are why I joined and loved reddit in the beginning.

Totally agree, I used to mod on a couple of the default subs and it made me hate reddit and view the open forum aspect of social media differently. I think I fully realized this when Glenn Greenwald did an AMA and said a mod team I was on (worldnews) was all paid Obama shills, because the sub had a rule against opinion columns which is what a lot of his content at the time was. So I got a bunch of hate mail about that, and sometimes journalists would even contact us individually for whatever reason, which I mostly ignored but occasionally would lead them on them ghost them. I had to make new accounts to deal with wanting to use the site just for the smaller niche interest subreddits.

Another thing I saw is how the most quickly digestible garbage content has such an advantage on the larger subs, and how the hivemind manipulates itself, by selecting out of a huge pool the very few posts that get to be on the front page. I blame this sort of echo chamber for some of what's happening with politics now, or at least accelerating what was already happening.

Remember when r/AMA used to be about things like researchers in fields you aren't familiar with talking about things you haven't heard of before but found interesting. Or someone who had just accomplished something interesting. Then at some point it just turned into a PR mouthpiece for actors and celebs promoting their new whatever.

I used to be on a bunch of forums and communities for niche interests. Then reddit and facebook et al destroyed them, like the wal marts of the internet destroying local communities. I was genuinely friends with many online strangers, like real actual bona fide friends, and suddenly our local digital hangouts were destroyed. End of an era. I'd love for those to pop up again but I wouldn't know where to begin finding them now.

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I would not be shocked if people on here also drink their own urine. Not that I'm judging, of course

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This is the issue that's so hard to see until it is explicit like your example. The time wasted, not spent on things of value is where this type of trolling costs us the most. In world news there were well thought out answers to some asshole who was just giving low quality taunts

World News and News were the worst. There would always be one accepted reaction to every post and anyone veering from it was downvoted into the basement at best.

The Internet*, the Internet is a shithole.

Yeah it's the exact same shit on Lemmy, only the difference is that reddit is mostly self aware, and Lemmy goes around jerking off while huffing its own farts like its so much better than Reddit. It's really weird.

shitholes are a whole nother sub

Maybe it was just an AI bot trying ti see if it could waste your time. I have noticed this on a few occasions where a “person” was being rude and trying to get a reaction, but when you look at their history you see hints of AI chat bot. Why anyone would do this is beyond me…maybe research or just a way to mess with people. Something to think about the next time you get into it with someone or something on the Internet.

I remember seeing some mean comments on my country's subreddit about how bad the country is, only to discover that the poster of those comments seemed to live in three places at once and shitting on all of them.

That happened all the time in my smallish city sub I used to frequent. It was small enough crap like that would get banned quickly. You'd just find them stirring every hot topic pot you could find in every city sub for our state and also like 5 other states, just 24/7 "arguing" aka spouting talking points or hit and run posts. Then occasionally a random post in /r/mlb

The Washington DC sub always had people who very likely had nothing to do with the city at all. Especially when there were demonstrations going on.

But that can happen here on Lemmy too. It may not have yet, but if it attracts enough attention it will.

It "drives engagement." The old marketing trope that sex sells has given way to rage sells. Piss people off, get them involved in a pointless internet debate, push that dopamine button in your brain because you're right and that asshole is wrong and this is why, and boom, another social media addict. Oh hey what's this, a funny meme? Sure I'll click that and maybe reply in that thread too...

It's super effective.

You are so right. It drives engagement big time. I wonder how many rage inducing comments are just bots trying to engage you? I read recently that 67% of Internet traffic is bots and growing. No idea if that is correct, but surely the actual number is on the rise with no signs is stopping. Maybe 99% of all rage battles online will be between two chatbots. Ahahahaha

I called my car (MG) a product of our friends with almond-shaped eyes. Got my account suspended indefinitely. Why???? I avoided "Schlitzaugengezücht" as a description for my car and still...

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Technically, isn't reddit a pisshole?

Yeah I just had an account banned there for talking about shooting paper targets and someone reported me because it was threatening them.

But I want to hang out with the weirdos

Really? So Lemmy's thing is kink shaming? We want that to be our thing?

Honestly, I've seen people kiklnkshame others on here since day 1 of the whole exodus thing. People were bitching about furries when there weren't even any furries to be found. A couple weeks back there was a big defederation thing over a nsfw sub which had adult women in pigtails.

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In an art appreciation sub (I think it was r/museum) some jackhole said they liked a Van Gogh painting because "it had colors resembling the Ukrainian flag". I caught a third strike for saying "Fuck Ukraine". When I explained to the mod that it was because i was sick of political bullshit creeping into everything, and the painting in question was painted 100 years before Ukraine was even a country, he rescinded the ban, but it didn't matter, it was my third strike on Reddit. I even got a cute little hammer emoji. Yeah, fuck Reddit.