I feel like we're all stuck in a movie where all the rich people live on some kind of floating island or satellite with everything they need to live well, and all of us have zero chance of going there

SnausagesinaBlanket@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 702 points –

I have seen a few of these with similar story lines and realized we are living it right now. They have the best healthcare, the best food, the best everything and most of us are a few dollars from disaster. That scares some of us to death literally from all the stress it causes.


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All I know is the second the very second that we are sure they're starting to build the cloud cities, we need to start murdering people. You can't let him finish the cloud cities. Cannot happen. The second construction starts we start cutting off heads. That's our only chance.

Stopping things now would be easier than the future. In the future they'll perfect the killer dog robots etc. and things will get harder.

Mass surveillance is more powerful than killer dog robots and they already have it.The idea of solving our problems by mass murdering rich people was always stupid, but it's already too late for that anyway.

I am worried about the robot dogs. But Dave Anthony from the dollop brought up a great point. Someone figures out to hack the robot dogs, turn them on their masters, that would be pretty fucking awesome.

If that was a realistic scenario we would have already seen it with insurgents being slaughtered with drones and missiles turning the tables. How are you getting your stockpile of zero day exploits for military hardware? It's pure fantasy.

Military drones HAVE been hacked.

Literally anything can be hacked if you have the time and resources.

Sounds interesting, can you link a source? Who was doing the hacking? Whose drone? what was the exploit and how severe was it?

Still, as a broad strategy it's absurd. It isn't true that literally anything can be hacked. A correctly encrypted message? You're never decoding it, ever, with any amount of time or resources. The impression that everything is vulnerable comes from how much of our technology was built with a massive attack surface and no concern for security, it doesn't mean there's no need to worry about murderbots enforcing the will of a totalitarian state because you can always just hack them. The task of building them to keep that from happening is something they can put a lot of thought into and largely succeed at.

And again, it's pointless, because mass surveillance is already more powerful. You want to hack something, why not turn the NSA backdoors to your own purposes? It's not realistic.

We should start cutting off heads right now tbh

Also: guns are bad, ban them all, only the police and military should own them...

Am I right???

Ah nice, the "everyone who isn't a conservative is on the left" tactic. It lets you compress 80% of all ideologies into "the left," which means you can accuse everyone in "the left" of the stupid shit tankies and liberals believe at the same time!

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They're not building a cloud city though. They are trying to get away with rockets and space ships.

You mean something like NEOM The Line in Saudi Arabia?

Nah, that's just the stupid ideas from stupid people that the actual arcology architects are saying "Let them cook!" about. It will be a case study when the real Elysiums start getting built.

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