Gov. Gavin Newsom signs bill to legalize cruising in California, end restrictions on lowrider vehicles to politics – 256 points –
Gavin Newsom signs bill to legalize cruising in California, end restrictions on lowrider vehicles

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Man cruising means something very different in California than elsewhere

This has always been the meaning among car enthusiasts everywhere.

What has? The article literally never explains what the fuck it's talking about. I would assume it's not referring to the common English definition of turning on cruise control.

Cruising is just driving around a given area, showing off your car, talking about cars, doing general car guy shit. Imagine it being illegal to drive your car around the block where a bunch of people are hanging out.

But of course it's something that's selectively enforced. You will absolutely never see a cop roll up on a classic car night at whatever local burger joint hosts one unless said burger joint just happens to be in an area that's not majority white. Middle aged mayo motherfuckers such as myself have zero issues. It was and always has been a cudgel against minorities, like a FUCKING TON of laws that were enacted in the 50's.

You're 100% right that the real context here is the racism angle. It was always legal for white people.

cruising to me is trying to find a dick to suck. but we grew up differently I guess.

You only sucked dick? We grew up differently, I guess

you guys have to look for dicks to suck? I can suck dick without having to get up. We grew up differently, I guess

How does one even make that illegal without banning all driving?

By selectively applying it only to the people you were targeting, like most racist-ass laws put on the books by white people in the US.

See: The gun restrictions Reagan put in place while he was governor of California and POTUS.

But given that it's really not about a homosexual mating ritual, I guess it's still different from just driving from A to B? Like are they blocking traffic by driving intentionally slow, swerving, not using their turn signals? I assume there would be some kind of element to it that makes other people want to see it banned?

Yeah... it's an easy way to harass Hispanic and Black people while selectively not enforcing it against white people.

Those oh-so-amazing 50's just happened to be full of racist-ass laws enacted by the racist-ass "greatest generation" after they got back from PTSDland with nothing but alcohol and spousal abuse to help them cope.

And they fucked up raising the boomers causing widespread narcissism

Context, dude. No one but you interpreted that headline to mean enabling cruise control

I could be wrong, but I think his allusion went over your head... where I'm from, cruising often means driving around looking for guys to bang.

I'm a guy. Where TF are you from?

If you're down to bang, I'm sorry but despite having a magnum dong, it doesn't reach across the sea

If you're referring to your magnum dong, congrats. If your referring to my magnum dong, we might have different definitions of the word, 'magnum'. Anyways, can I offer you an egg in these trying times?

Look, you can't just go around scattering magnum condoms on the floor if you don't have a magnum dong. She'll end up disappointed and you'll have to D.E.N.N.I.S your way out of it.

Nah, I just take her on a cruise. You know, because of the implication.

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How illiterate can you be? I specifically said I didn't interpret it to mwan that.

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I am American; my first language is English.

I would never define "cruising" as "turning on cruise control".

"Cruising around in my beamer" does not mean that I turned on cruise control in a BMW...

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