A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canada's Government

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1161 points –
A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canada's Government

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As an fella from that country right beneath Canada, I hope something like this works, would love to watch our neighbors in the north do something awesome while we fail to do it for decades and decades.

If Universal Basic Income becomes commonplace the United States will probably be the last country on earth to adapt.

nah there's always the Congo

Even as a joke, countries ruined by colonial interference shouldn't be counted.

The Clovis people would love to enter the chat, but they were totally massacred in a genocide.

Fair point, my choice of wording wasn't precise. But comparing indigenous peoples would be even more complicated.

I mean if we're lightly joking about countries, there isn't a single one where you can't dig into it's history and find some day-ruining atrocity.

"Day-ruining," seriously? Try comparing apples to apples.

begone irksome troll

I only asked you to think twice about punching down, dude. Go ahead and block me if you think that's "trolling."

If I see someone saying harmful things (whether they realize it or not) about misunderstood people that don't deserve to be made fun of, I'm going to comment (unless it's obvious bait).

I was going to say Cuba, but then I remembered the healthcare is better than America already.

Your neighbors in the north have something like that already. Alaska redistributes income from oil companies to their people. IIRC it's only ~150$ per month, but that's pretty good nonetheless!

$150 a month would cover several bills for us. Does each individual get it or is it per household? Because if it's per individual (presuming adults only), that's $300, which would cover some debt too. So yeah, pretty good!

I believe it is every member. They also get a large yearly chunk depending on pricing what not at the end of the year. It works allot like how Indian casino pays work across the tribe.

Doing things per household is just weird. Like, what even counts as a household? And why should people who live together receive less than if they lived apart?

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We legalized weed, which is cool af, but we made living otherwise impossibly prohibitively expensive.

Oh just you watch out we're one Republican presidency away from oxygen and fresh water being a limited resource.

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Yeah I would love to see them do it. I mean hopefully it works and we can use it as a reference. If it fails, well that's their program.

Unfortunately they will bungle this shit the same way the fucked up their healthcare and it will just be a disaster.

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