Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31

Bernie to World – 604 points –
Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31

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I just don't buy it as a 31 year old dog.

To be sure. A purebred dog the kids "kept secret" for several years after a culling. So only the kids knew the dog even existed. Sounds more like the kids found a puppy and justified keeping it by saying they always had it.

How many years after the culling are we thinking they "found" him? Because even if you take off 10 years, he looked astonishingly good for 21!

Even if they're a few years off, he lived to be ancient.

It doesn’t say in the article how long they kept the dog secret. They were 8 so I can’t imagine it was more than a week or two.

yeah, no grey hair at all??

That's the secret to living long, just don't go grey.

Im not even 30 yet and im going gray. How fucked am i

There's a natural regimen to save yourself - you must cut out all gluten, eat meals consisting of horse/radish paste (that's a paste made of horses and radishes), and drink at least 6 glasses of clam juice per day.

Where do you get your gluten free horses?

Etsy or eBay surprisingly enough. They are mildly radioactive, but worth every penny!