German-Israeli Shani Louk is confirmed dead, 3 weeks after Hamas captured her and paraded her through Gazalocked to World – 349 points –
German-Israeli Shani Louk is confirmed dead, 3 weeks after Hamas captured her and paraded her through Gaza in her underwear

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We have all seen the video of her broken body being paraded through Gaza and the people spitting on her. Hamas did that and they brought death and destruction to Gaza.

Hamas AND Israel both brought death and destruction to Gaza. Palestinian children are not bombing themselves now.

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I have not seen that thankfully

I don't understand why someone would want to see that.

It is sadly the reality of the situation. Only someone fucked up can see that and the other videos from that day (example the slaughtered elderly at the bus stop etc) and think "Oh Hamas are the good guys."

I think the number of people who think hamas are the good guys is infinitessimal compared to the number of people who think Israel shouldn't be genocidal.

Do you think that's the case globally or mostly in the western world?

I think anyone everywhere would agree that Israel's response should be appropriate to the threat, which excludes genocide.

Sadly, I think most people in the western world just swallow the narrative which is that Israel are allies, therefore the good guys, therefore they can't be genocidal.

The western world is hardly a population majority. Do you think your statement about who is considered "good" and "bad" expands outside of the western world?

I'm so weary of this type of comment. Trying to draw me in to some snarky debate that will achieve nothing.

Can we just skip to the end where I'm a poorly informed idiot and you regale us all with your enlightened understanding of these complex issues?

I'm so weary of absolutist that can tell how it is and anybody questioning it is wearisome.

I don't know about you but I'll just skip to the part where I don't have to interact with you ever again. I wish you a day as pleasant as you are.

I wish you a day as pleasant as you are.

Epic burn. Well done. I'll be fretting about that one for days.

It's global in countries where people use forks.

what the fuck did I just read! Israel military should indeed kill children, shouldn't they? fucking bastard you are.

Heavily armed, full of advantages, but are there, behind their joysticks killing toddlers! What an army of piece of shit!

It's reality. You want to understand the hatred felt by everything in that region? You have to watch it uncensored.

so the past 50 years of the gaza strip being bombed by israel have not brought death and desctruction to gaza? that's ignoring the constant blockades and other restrictions israel put on gaza as well.

lets not forget the blockade by egypt too, even jordan at one point wanted to kick out and backtrack citizenship for all descendants of palestinian refugees

"It is kind of more complicated than that" when it is really not!

let me just start with this postulate:

  • palestinians: natives
  • israelis: colons

Should I add than one is heavily militarized and has control over infrastructures?

That's wrong though. Palestinians and Israelis both stem from ancestors from the area. You could even say that at least in Jerusalem the Palestinians came later.

bullshit! you want to go back to what? neolithic ?

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Have you seen videos of Israelis cheering every time they hear bombs exploding in Gaza?

I mean after what happened it's going to turn a lot of people dark. No different than in the states after 9/11. I legit know people that signed up just to "kill some sand you know what's to get pay back". That's fucked up yes. And wrong. But hardly unexpected just like I expect citizens of Gaza to enmase celebrate the death of Jews now.

well I guess that makes killing this citizen ok then

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