Red Sea crisis from Houthi attacks hits world trade as cost of shipping soars by 170% to World – 311 points –
Red Sea crisis from Houthi attacks hits world trade as cost of shipping soars by 170%

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Yeah this isn't gonna go on much longer without a military response, which I am guessing is the plan. Keep spreading the US and allied countries' military attention thinner and thinner.

the other option is to comply with the Houthi demands that the starvation of the people of Gaza be ended and supplies be allowed in accordance with the International Laws

Even if America succeeds in mobilising the entire world, our military operations will not stop … no matter the sacrifices it costs us,” Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a senior Houthi official, said...

Some of you will die but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

I mean, I think they'd call that an honorable death in some circles.

Don't they see the US as basically the Empire?

George Lucas certainly did. The Vietnam War was part of the inspiration for Star Wars.

I see the level of political discourse in this sub has risen to the level of :checks notes: Star Wars references.

No doubt that is why there have been muted responses to attacks - it would look really bad to the world.

They also demand a grab bag of other random extremist taking points like that the Quran should be how countries are run, and that the prophets descendents have an absolute right to rule.

Thats just their general movement. Not their explicit demands for the blockade.

Because they're so trustworthy? There's no clear connection from ships being targeted to Israel like they claim.

Did you somehow miss the video Ansar Allah released of seizing the glalxy leader? Did you miss the big Palestinian flag on the back of the helicopter? Did you miss the Yemeni operator announcing why they are seizing the ship?

Like what are you trying to suggest Ansar Allah's alternative motives are? Simple piracy? They've only captured one ship and are mostly scaring others off. Seems like bad tactics for piracy but good blockade tactics.

Galaxy Leader is owned by a company co-owned by an Israeli. They said any connection to Israel will get you attacked. I'm sure theres more tenous connections. But I also dont really care. They can shut down the Red Sea entirely for all I care. Getting all nitpicky on how someone is trying to stop a genocide is in service of the genocide. If you dont like what Ansar Allah is doing you can call your rep and tell them to stop sponsoring genocide. Have some fucking priorities.

Every major country is affected by this. India and China have as much interest in free passage through the Red See as the US or the EU.

And yet China, who has a naval base in Djibouti, seems to just be sitting back and letting everyone else tackle this

Bingo. They know that someone else will do something eventually is my guess.

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Operation Prosperity Guardian is already underway. Unfourtuantly, modern drone technology tilts the scales in favor of the attacker in this sort of situation relative to where it was a decade ago; and commercial shipping companies are not in the bussiness of shipping through active combat zones.

NATO has so many resources, it's the entire purpose of NATO.

Saying the resources are being spread thinner is a undebatable fact but I would say not every military/country in NATO had even CLOSE to 100% of people working on Ukraine before Israel piped up.

NATO can handle a lot more of this shit

They did a good job of spreading themselves thin. Gotta justify that $800+ billion spending.

Guaranteeing free movement is one of the reasons we have a large military.

Navy helicopter shot down a couple of boats a few days ago, but the response will probably grow.

Yeah I mean more of an attack on land actually in Yemen situation or even potentially boots on the ground and not just some sort of cruise missile or air strike.

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