It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. to – 2248 points –

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We really need more browser engines floating around.

As of now we really only have 3, Webkit, Firefox Gecko, and Chromium Blink.

Everything is based on these 3. And I know, technically chromium and firefox are both based on webkit, but they're so far gone from webkit they function as their own engines.

Firefox isn't based on WebKit. Maybe you're thinking Safari.

I doubt that's what they meant since Safari currently uses WebKit. But yeah, maybe they meant how WebKit is a fork of KHTML and Chrome is a fork of WebKit.

Ultimately you really only have KHTML (what Webkit was forked from), Gecko, Triton (IE classic), and I can't recall what the new (now dead) engine in IE11 was called. The rest are forks, mostly of Webkit/KHTML.

I guess there's Ladybird and Servo too, but they are a way still from being used as a daily driver.

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tbh i think it would be better if there was a single collaborative engine instead, owned by a non-profit company like The Linux Foundation

maybe the W3C could establish their own but idk if they even do anything these days

Embrace extend extinguish

It's almost already too late at this point

Not going to lie, I really hate when the internet gets a new favorite phrase. Destroys discussion on the subjects and feels like it's a race for commenters to say the hit phrase.

Lemmy is chock full of stupid people on the right team for the wrong reasons. They treat switching to Linux and FF the same way someone would declare they gave their life to Jesus Christ.

Most of them can't even explain why something is good or bad without resorting to the catch phrase of the day. "Enshittification", "EEE", "Chrome bad cuz capitalism or something, gib updoots."

I hate when that happens too, it's the enshittification of the discussions.

If what you were gonna say is quashed by people knowing the big corpo tricks and treachery, then chances are what you had to say served no interests but corpo interest to begin with.

Username checks out.

Maybe we're just tired of sheep. Even sheep that happened to end up on the right side.

You're doing an awful lot of Baaaa-ing over there to cry about other people being sheep.

It’s not. In the late 90s it was pretty much just IE after Netscape died. Mozilla came from the ashes.

Literally. It was originally built on the Netscape engine before making Gecko and transitioning to that.

extinguishing Chromium is the goal, isn't it?

As of now we really only have 3, Webkit, Firefox, and Chromium.

Webkit is the only browser engine in that list; the other 2 are browsers, not engines. Firefox uses the Gecko engine. Chrome/chromium use Blink engine.

We really need more browser engines floating around.

No don't

Yes, we do. The lack of competition is letting Google consolidate power.

I think their point is that it's going to fragment things for web developers and make stuff more difficult to manage.

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