How much for cuddles? to Lemmy – 512 points –

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no nagging for a week

Wow, there’s just so much to unpack from just that sentence, let alone the chart.

Look at his eyes, and look at his face... this is the trained male.

Long have nation states and governments tried to break the male, to wrangle the male into a submissive state, but none are more successful than the woman sociopath.

The female sociopath is in many ways addicted to control. Her one impulse to anything the male does is how she can turn it into her advantage, to control the male entirely.

Luckily for the male, the sociopath woman gives fierce blowjobs, so it's up to him wether or not the pain and degradation is worth it. 4/10 males say it is.

Look at his eyes. He's truly worked for this.

Luckily for the male, the sociopath woman gives fierce blowjobs

Honestly that's a 50/50 shot between fierce and dead fish. I have proclivity for crazy, and a good half the time it's all for show and a real disappointment at game time. That all said, always test drive the car before signing the paperwork.

Listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about

Also ... if you have too many questions for the transaction from the start ... it probably isn't a worthwhile transaction.

On the contrary, given my current life experience, I damn well diserve answers to all the questions I may have... if there are none or not enough, yes, the transaction is not worthwile.

Why did I read that with the David Attenborough voice in mind?

Lad should just whack it to succubus porn like the rest of us.

Wtaf did I just read, and why god does it have so many up votes. Please let this be a copy pasta.

It's a sarcastic view on what the meme depicts. We are in shitposts after all.


Yeah I wouldn't get my hopes up

That's the fun part about sarcasm, you never know how much of what that person said or wrote he really identifies with.

Look guys, I've spotted the incel!

Voluntary. I'm ace. But I'm also an aspiring Gonzo writer. Check my other comments.

Unfortunately, women tend to want partners, men want caregivers. Reminding him to care for his kids because he doesn't recognize how children as his responsibility is now a women's personality issue, rather than a man's personality issue. It's wild that a woman doing merely most of the care work and the full entirety of family organization from cleaning to meals has become something to look down on as a woman failing rather than men being irresponsible and not respecting their spouse.

You may be right in general, but none of that is a good excuse for a transactional sex life.

If I wanted to exchange services (labor) for sex, I could simply take the money earned from labor to purchase it from a prostitute. That is not what a marriage should be like.

I don’t think the kids pay you to clean up their puke or blowouts.

You are making a lot of sweeping generalizations that are wildly inaccurate. Some of those statements (hell, maybe all of them) may be true for certain socio-political subgroups of our society, but I absolutely do not agree that that’s the dynamic through which most heterosexual people view their partners (or more accurately, the idea of a partner).

You’re basically just regurgitating the “atomic family” ethos from back in the 1950s.

Reminding him to care for his kids

by treating him like a kid will not help. Yes, making clear that you expect him to share the care work with you is important. Making rules together can be a way of doing it, but he needs to do it because he is the dad and her partner and a reasonable adult that takes their responsibilities serious, not because he wants a BJ at the end of the week. They both need couple therapy, because he isn't a responsible adult and she infantilizes him on top.

Unfortunately, women tend to want partners, men want caregivers.

Thank you. Nobody's seeing that. All the comments saying the woman is mean, instead of talking about how irresponsible the man must be that he needs a reward system to do what he should be doing on his own* for his family.

*I'm not sure if it's the right expression. I mean by his own volition and out of responsibility.

Edit: I won't acknowledge the rest of your comment because, honestly, it got confusing.

I'm really surprised this got downvoted... don't get me wrong, I downvoted as well, but... this is not what I expected.

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