Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term

AFK BRB to politics – 424 points –

That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I've seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I'm sure he's going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem like it's just your typical election/political disagreements, but we're past that now.


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I'm not voting for joe because he's complicit in genocide.

What disgusts me the most is all the posturing we're seeing now in anticipation for the election.

It just shows he doesn't have a genuine bone in his body.

Look. I don’t support vaporizing Gazans and I also feel rather impotent to do anything about it. I also think things are broken and our county needs some major systemic changes to give power back to the people.

And I support the ‘uncommitted’ vote in the primary to send a clear message to Biden.

But don’t kid yourself with this ‘both sides are the same’ stuff.

Biden will, at the very, very least, try to reduce suffering where he can. And that may be pathetically little.

But this is the other side that WILL come to power if you (and I mean you) don’t vote for Biden this fall:

Trump breaks silence on Israel's military campaign in Gaza: 'Finish the problem'

But don’t kid yourself with this ‘both sides are the same’ stuff.

they never said that.

I've come across many people like you and it always ends the same.

You refuse to acknowledge how a slow loss is still a loss and go into "recruitment" mode.

It's really just a instinctive response at this point, and I never expect anything more from you.


Trump will literally result in more Gazans dead. Why do you want more Gazans to die?

Can I see your crystal ball?

You people keep telling me Trump is Putin's puppet and Putin supports Hamas. But now Trump will go against Putin's wishes and kill more Gazans than Biden?

Which is it?

It's the one where he said he supports Israel and wants them to finish the job... You're just being willfully blind at this point and clearly lack the maturity to differentiate your idealistic vision with the true reality of what would happen if Trump gets another term.

So Trump isn't actually Putin's puppet? Is that what you're landing on?

See how cognitive dissonance works? Lol.

Hahaha, as if he can't both be pro-pootin and pro-israel. What really makes you think he wouldn't try to help Israel destroy Gaza and help pootin destroy Ukraine?

What really makes you think he wouldn’t try to help Israel destroy Gaza and help pootin destroy Ukraine?

People keep telling me Trump is Putin's puppet and Putin supports Hamas.

Are you suggesting he's not actually Putin's puppet?

YoI don't think you know what "cognitive dissonance" is or how it is being weaponized to take advantage of people like yourself. A LOT of Trump supporters are people who espouse antisemitism in one breath, but will cheer Trump saying Israel "needs to finish the job" in the next. You also don't seem to understand WHY Trump, a man who is desperate to win the election so he can eliminate all the lawsuits and judgements against him... is backing Isreal. I'll give you a hint: he wants the Jewish vote. He thinks saying "we will eliminate Palestinians" is the same as telling black people he's just like them for being the target of biased prosecution. Although, on second thought, you probably DO know these things... you're just arguing in bad faith because you have your own shitty agenda to push. So I guess the question is are you wildly ignorant or are you just pretending to be?

I don't think you know what "cognitive dissonance" is or how it is being weaponized to take advantage of people like yourself.

A LOT of Trump supporters are people who espouse antisemitism in one breath, but will cheer Trump saying Israel "needs to finish the job" in the next.

You also don't seem to understand WHY Trump, a man who is desperate to win the election so he can eliminate all the lawsuits and judgements against him... is backing Isreal. I'll give you a hint: he wants the Jewish vote. He thinks saying "we will eliminate Palestinians" is the same as telling black people he's just like them for being the target of biased prosecution.

Although, on second thought, you probably DO know these things... you're just arguing in bad faith because you have your own shitty agenda to push.

So I guess the question is are you wildly ignorant or are you just pretending to be?

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No one is talking about Putin. You're just changing the topic because you don't know how to argue in good faith.

No, I'm raising a very good point to highlight your cognitive dissonance.

You don't want to acknowledge I have a point because that would mean admitting you're wrong about Trump.

This is how cognitive dissonance works. You have two conflicting ideas in your head and can't process how to reconcile them. You just get mad whenever someone calls it out.

You keep saying everyone else has cognitive dissonance, but you haven't explained what the actual dissonance is. There's no reason to assume that supporting Trump and supporting Israel are to dissonant ideas. Both want to destroy something that he's professed agreement with destroying.

Biden is actively pursuing a cease fire, while Trump literally said Israel needs to finish the job in Gaza. He also said Putin should be able to do what he wants in Ukraine.

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This sounds like some accelerationist bullshit, and if so, your opinion can be safely ignored. Accelerationists should be ignored and shun ed at every possible step, as they only seek increased pain and suffering for all. Any accelerationist that disagrees with that clearly hasn't looked at the consequences of burning the system down.

No, it's supporting candidates that represent my interests instead of ones that do not.

You have been conditioned to 'go with the flow', regardless of what the outcome actually is.

I don't expect you to acknowledge this. You're just trying to look good in front of your peers, after all.

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I'm not an American so I'm not invested in the same way, but if you don't want Biden because of his actions with respect to the Gaza genocide can I ask about your thought process regarding what happens if he does not get in? If he loses the only possible winner is Trump because he is the Republican nominie, so is a vote not for Biden basically a vote for Trump? Or do you see it some other way?

You are about to discover that a good fraction of Americans will cut off their noses to spite their faces.

Neither candidate represents my interests so I lose either way.

Welcome to American politics.

Is one of them going to hurt you more than the other?

Me? No.

The only impact this really has on me is seeing how everyone else reacts. My life was remarkably similar under Trump, Biden, and Obama.

This is what losing feels like.

That’s the Republican way of thinking for sure. “Oh, it didn’t personally impact me? I don’t care.”

You’re a fool if you think Trump would be anything but catastrophic for the world. Naive or a shill.

They're saying there was no measurable change in their lives driven by political leadership in the last 16 years? They're arguing in bad faith.

That’s the Republican way of thinking for sure. “Oh, it didn’t personally impact me? I don’t care.”

You literally asked if it would be worse for me.

You’re a fool if you think Trump would be anything but catastrophic for the world.

Yeah, people said the same thing in 2016. Then the democrats nominated Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, guaranteeing a Trump victory.

Just goes to show, Trump is preferable to a candidate who actually fights for commoners.

This is what I mean by we're losing no matter what. I don't think you're capable of understanding this, though.

Sad how you feel justified in calling others 'fools.'

I get you're just a sad little loser and saying this dumb shit is just your way of getting attention from strangers on the internet.

But on the tiny off chance you're not a troll that knows how stupid your own argument is:

Trump has literally said he will be a dictator from day one. He has already made 1 major attempt to end the Democratic process in the US. And has a several courts including the supreme Court stacked in his favour, given another 4 years that will only get worse and he has a much better chance this tike around of actually ending democracy in America. So even if you truly belive the stupid fucking opinion that Joe Biden is just as bad as Trump, taking the hit and voting for Biden this time means you can vote for someone else in 4 years time, so you have a chance to get a president that actually works for you. But if you don't vote and Trump gets elected then there's a good chance you never get a say in who is president ever again.

Also you know your incredibly obvious fake concern over gaza is fucking disgusting btw. You're genuinely a piece of shit.

I get that you're just having an instinctual response to someone who goes against your tribe.

I see it all the time and don't expect more from you people.

If you're going troll at least put some effort in

Like I said, I don't expect more from you people.

I hope you weren't looking for a raise from the Kremlin because you're the worst keyboard warrior I've seen yet.

So you don't have an actual response? You're just going to retreat to your "hurr-durr-tribalism" any time someone actually challenges you?

Yeah, people said the same thing in 2016. Then the democrats nominated Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, guaranteeing a Trump victory.Just goes to show, Trump is preferable to a candidate who actually fights for commoners.

No, it goes to show that a bunch of stupid assholes abstained from voting because both of the candidates sucked, and a bunch more stupid assholes who probably wouldn't have voted decided to vote for Trump "for the lolz". Bernie wouldn't have beaten Trump in 2016. Biden wouldn't have beaten Trump in 2016. And here you are with the benefits of hindsight, yet you're still pushing the same agenda as 2016.

Your stupid rhetoric will get Trump reelected.

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What democratic country now or in history do you think has a party / candidate that represents every of their voter's interests 100%? I mean you sound like you don't understand what compromise is but that can't be, right?

It doesn't have to be 100%, lol.

The problem is they don't represent my interests at all. Their entire goal is just looking out for different rich people, which I do not support.

I'm sorry this bothers you, but it's purely because you've succumbed to tribalism and think everyone else should follow suit.

No no, I get it, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and suffer from progressed main character syndrome.

Nah. I just don't adhere to tribalism.

Eh, not sure if you can really objectively judge that. But what’s clear to me is that you suck major ass.

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I’m not voting for joe because he’s complicit in genocide.

Anything Joe can do, Trump can do much, much worse.

I didn't read the article, do you want to use your own words to tell me your point?

Trump abandoned any pretense of American neutrality when he moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Trump's evangelical backers are big on the End Times, and would happily blow up the entire Middle East to bring about the return of Jesus.

Don't bother responding. I know how valuable your time is and don't want to waste anymore of it.

So we can admit Trump is not a puppet of Putin?

Why is that so hard to get you guys to acknowledge? Lol.

No, we can't. That's a false dichotomy that ignores a fuckton of evidence of trump actively supporting pootins goals against that of the US.

Trump helping Israel means that Iran is more likely to make a deal with Russia, which has wanted a warm water port for centuries.

Jews didn't exactly do well in Russia, but antisemitism has been popular and the xenophobes there don't seem to differentiate much between Palestinians and Jews (or a number of other groups). I suspect that Putin would be happier if they all died, and is supporting the team his competitor for global power is against. And the only better outcomes than the group his competitor is propping up winning would be if the one they weren't propping up won or, better yet, if they both wiped each other out.

So, based on that assessment, he would have no problem with Trump having different opinions in this topic, because his primary goal would be achieved, and his secondary goals wouldn't be hindered. This isn't cognitive dissonance, simply realpolitik.

I’m not voting for joe because he’s complicit in genocide.

So instead you're going to help elect the guy who says Israel needs to finish the job in Gaza. Who says Russia should be able to do what they want. Your sensibilities are messed up.

I'm not voting for either candidate.

I lose either way.

You honestly believe that a Biden term would be as bad or worse then a Trump term? Seems insane.

I don't think it really matters at this point.

The advantage of Trump winning is that people like you see there's a problem.

If Biden wins, you pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.

It's delusional and I don't expect more from any of you at this point.

The more you support a slow loss, the less I take you seriously.

With the other guy you'll get the same.

Nah, Trump would be encouraging the use of Nukes to "solve the problem," in his own words.

Yeah. That's the point.

It's why everyone who says "don't vote third party" is really a part of the problem.

Nah, everyone who says, "don't vote third party" simply paid attention in their civics class and understands how our electoral system works.

Independents have won federal offices before, not the presidency, but we have evidence showing that third parties can win elections. However, if two candidates are clear frontrunners, voting for a third party doesn't positively contribute to the outcome of the election.

In fact, the data shows that a vote for a minority candidate makes it more likely that the winner of the election will hold views that are actually farther from one's preferences than if one voted for a majority candidate. This is a big part of the push for states to move to ranked choice voting, so that voters don't need to make this kind of electoral compromise.

If you're in Maine, Alaska, or Hawaii, you may be in luck! Otherwise, you can put your hands over your eyes and yell about the injustice of it all, but it doesn't change the facts; which is why grownups having political discussions dismiss minority candidates as being irrelevant to the discussion.

Yeah, I guess between Stalin and Pol Pot you should pick one of them instead of trying something else.

This is why you people are perpetually losers and why I never take you seriously at this point.

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