Biden administration set to greenlight $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel to World – 194 points –
Biden administration set to greenlight $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel | CNN Politics

The Biden administration is close to approving the sale of as many as 50 American-made F-15 fighter jets to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The transaction, which would amount to the largest US foreign military sale to Israel since the country went to war with Hamas on October 7, comes as the administration is also expected to notify Congress soon of a large new sale of precision-guided munitions kits to Israel, the people said.

The new sales of some of the US’ most sophisticated weaponry underscore the extent to which the US continues to support Israel militarily, even as Biden administration officials criticize Israel’s operations in Gaza, which have killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since October, according to the Gaza ministry of health.


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So Americans of Lemmy: how's it feel knowing you're committing genocide literally right now

Terrible. If it were up to this one, those Eagles would be landing in Kyiv instead but we are at the mercy of some evil shitheels and voting doesn’t do much.

Same as it ever was.

Anybody who knows American history knows this is par for the course.

The wierdest part is all the other Americans telling me I have to go out and vote for genocide because the other guy might be able to genocide too. Its like my countrymen have one shared braincell and they borrowed it from CNN.

The other guy will dismantle democracy while doing a genocide. So yeah, short of overthrowing the government, voting for a genocidal fossil is the best we got.

Im not interested in what genocide supporters are going to vote for thanks for the input though.

Enjoy living in your fantasy world while the rest of us deal with reality.

If dealing with reality means supporting genocide, I'll stay in the fantasy. Enjoy being a genicide apologist.

And you're going to bravely not vote and let fascism grow in America, you fascist supporter. Wow look I can do it too.

Who said I wasn't voting? In fact I recall explicitly saying somewhere in this comment chain how I was voting.

I assume what you said means you're voting third party, and that's materially indistinct from not voting.

Considering there's more than one race on a ballot and ballot initiatives, only an idiot would think that's the same as not voting.

might be able to genocide too will genocide even harder and louder

Fixed that for you. Vote for who you want, but don't pretend that there's any question about Trump's stance on the issue. He's publicly called for the final solution to be applied to Palestinians, and people in his party are telling their supporters that they think Gaza should be nuked like Nagasaki.

If Trump narrowly wins the election and the Palestinians suffer even more, wouldn't you feel the slightest bit guilty for staying home?

The question isn't Trumps stance the question is will the Democrats have enough votes to throw a wrench in it. Same way it worked with immigration. There been little changes in border policy, agencies, and agents between presidencies yet the Democrats fought hard against Trumps policy, then stopped fighting when Biden was in charge. Seems to me democrats are unwilling to fight their own party on issues they would gladly fight the other party for. No one questions what Trump wants. We question his ability to do it. Like the border wall he couldn't build much of. Last I checked Bidens built more length of border wall than Trump has.

What do you mean might? Do you have any doubt? Does the fact him saying that he will and wants to do it faster not mean anything to you? I'm okay with you being angry at the general shittiness of the situation, but why lie about Trump's support of Israel's genocide? I don't understand why you're not honest about that. The Republican politicians are literally saying they want to Nuke Gaza, and you're sitting here saying you don't know if it's the same or worse?

The question isn't Trumps stance the question is will the Democrats have enough votes to throw a wrench in it. Same way it worked with immigration. There been little changes in border policy, agencies, and agents between presidencies yet the Democrats fought hard against Trumps policy, then stopped fighting when Biden was in charge. Seems to me democrats are unwilling to fight their own party on issues they would gladly fight the other party for. No one questions what Trump wants. We question his ability to do it. Like the border wall he couldn't build much of. Last I checked Bidens built more length of border wall than Trump has. The presidency isn't a dictatorship. And Bidens already used EOs to arm Israel so at worst he could do the same as Biden if someone actually stood up to him.

Well that's just the worst logic I've ever heard in my life. You care so much about stopping the genocide in Palestine that you prefer a person who wants to kill more Palestinians on the off chance the Democrats can stop him after he's elected. That's just bonkers.

At least one way we have a chance at stopping it.

But go ahead and tell us one more time about how Next Time you will work with us and this time we just need to work with you this one more time.

Heard that before.

I have an idea, how about you guys work with us this time around?

Your logic is to not try and stop a genocide at all. My logic is to vote against all genociders, it's not like im voting for Trump, I don't prefer him at all. Im voting down ballot for every candidtae that stands against the genocide. You're voting for guy thats funding it. One of us is trying to stop it and the other is justifying voting for funding it. That necessarily makes you a genocide apologist.

I'd move to another country, but I'm pretty sure nobody would take me.

Pretty whatever. Excuse me as I continue to doom scroll on my slave labor produced phone.

So, should we NOT support Israel?

Sure, with iron dome missiles only

Nah, thoughts and prayers should be plenty. Maybe they wouldn't need an iron dome if they weren't constantly being insufferable belligerents.

Yeah I’m still gonna have to go with supplying defensive weapons.

If nothing else there are children there.

They should have considered the children before they went all in on bombing and starving other people's kids

So you are ok with children dying as long as they are the “right” children?

I’m going to have to ask you to really think about that view.

If I make horrible decisions my kid will suffer the consequences. That's why I don't go around doing horrific crimes.

That’s not what I asked.

I'm OK with children dying as long as they aren't my children. Is that what you want to hear? Israel doesn't get to murder thousands of children and then hide behind their own. Fuck off.

No you can freely fuck yourself though.

Kids are kids, they are subjected to adults whims.

You are a bad person if you are ok with the killing of any children.

Congratulations you’ve become what you seek to destroy.

You should take a long look at yourself.

Have the day you deserve

There's a reason war crimes are a thing. Most of humanity is on board with not targeting civilians, especially children; along with fair treatment of prisoners and not using indiscriminate weapons, because they hope their enemies will afford them the same mercy. When you violate those rules you place your entire country in grave danger. Israel knows this, but they act with impunity thinking they're untouchable. If it turns out that they can't defend themselves then it's their mistake and the results are natural and expected. It's tragic, but it's not unjustified.

Also, you don't get to win an argument on the internet by dismissing the person you're arguing with. Good afternoon.

I’m not dismissing you, I just don’t see how two completely viewpoints can be combined.

You are under the impression that because Israel is killing children we should allow the same.

We should not.

It’s no different than Israel saying that they can kill Palestinian children and it is ok.

I reject all viewpoints that think it is ok to kill children.

Especially the viewpoint that we should lower ourselves to terroristic standards.

Isn’t that the exact reason we are against Israel right now?

Why is it ok just because the targets are different.

Our principles are the things we do even when no one is looking.

My principle is that it is NEVER ok to kill children.

What is yours?

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