Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators | Speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror. to politics – 595 points –

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Of course Trump is worse.

Now let's not pretend that the Democratic Party has any love at all for these protestors. Let's not pretend that the prevailing sentiment in this community isn't that these protestors should shut up and stop criticizing US support for Netanyahu's genocide because they're worried it makes Biden look bad.

And let's not pretend that the US isn't a two-party system.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Your choices are Trump or Biden.

And I'm voting for Biden.

Then why are you campaigning for Trump?

One can dislike Biden without liking Trump.

Question: Does this heightened level of nuance transfer onto a FPTP voting system?

Answer: absolutely not.

Your comment should read "One can dislike Biden without demanding voters elect a bigger dipshit"...

But it doesn't.

This whole thing of "you need to lie about the facts to make one side look way better than they are or else you are campaigning for the other side" thing needs to go. It just needs to go. It isn't fooling anyone, and it just makes everyone doing it come across as idiots. Own your stance, be honest about what we can all see, and try to explain why you feel like you do from base reality. I know you've been told it makes you a traitor or whatever, but it simply doesn't. It makes you come across as a genuine person, and it makes the things you say have more weight.

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That is not at all what's happening. The world is much less black and white than you think.

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Biden thinks the protestors have a First Amendment right to speak out. Repubs want them attacked by the National Guard and/or deported to a war zone.

No he doesn't. He wouldn't be painting them as violent protests that allows everyone to dismiss their first amendment rights if he did.

I did not mention Biden's opinion regarding the protestors.

Yes, that's why it's important someone did mention it.

Yes, it's vitally important to change the subject and argue against something I didn't say.

You guys never have the courage to say what you mean, just hint at it. Say what you mean.

Thank god I have centrists to tell me that I mean tons of shit I don't say.

And thank god I have whatever you are to try to call me a centrist derisively.

Let’s pretend about that world…

As trump gasses these folks…

But it’s someone else gassing people… it’s not the same republicans that did it back in the day with the patriots act. No that was different…

The prevailing attitude on Lemmy seems to be that Israel should be wiped from the face of the earth. Comments that don't support the protesters are quite rare.

Not many people outside of the full-on tankie brigades are arguing that Israel has no right to exist as a country. On the other hand, they are arguing that Palestinine also has a right to exist as a country, and that the land that Israel has unjustly taken, and continues to take, should be returned. And that Israel should need to make reparations for the Palestinian non-combatants they've killed, and the land they've stolen.

It's clear that Israel as a country will never allow Palestinians to have a full voice in their government, so the only reasonable choice at this point is a two-state solution.

Israel is sure doing their best job to try and make that the prevailing attitude. And frankly, I don't know that I disagree anymore. Get the civilians out of harms way, and then wipe out the government and the IDF, alongside Hamas.

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