Gunshots reportedly fired at Donald Trump rally - as former president rushed off stage to politics – 235 points –
Gunshots reportedly fired at Donald Trump rally - as former president rushed off stage

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This is just going to further guarantee his victory. It's fucking over. This country is done.

Shit’s pretty unpredictable. What happens if a MAGAt retaliates and whacks Biden?

this is a terrible tragedy but we need to continue to work towards unity in the country so nothing will be done

I think that is word for word what Johnson said. And he hated Kennedy.

Or Ford in pardoning Nixon. Or Obama not doing investigations into Iraq/Afghanistan/war on terror

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That's my gut reaction too. It's done. That fucking photo where Trump stood up and did the fist pump with the blood on his face and the American flag in the background:

There's no beating that. That's literally like a movie poster. Whether Biden stays or goes, I really don't think it matters now.

Also as an aside, I don't mean this as a compliment to Trump. I think he's a raging piece of shit and I hope he loses. But it's elections are all about perception and I really don't see Biden doing anything to top this.

You said it better than I could have done myself. It is time to start preparing the resistance now. Civil disobedience is the only way forward.

Absolutely it will. Fuck.

C'mon dude, just post your demoralizing articles and give it a rest - there is no need to further betray your intent with additional words.

American politics is all theater.

Where is that not the case when talking about politics anywhere? Theater and life are coiled up around eachother and writhing, grasping at one another's throats; whether lovers' kisses, enemies' venom is the intent, usually one comes out on top. In your good faith opinion, what will it mean when Trump loses anyway? What is the auteur going for in that scenario?

(In keeping with good faith I'll disclose my personal bias that I would prefer a different candidate to oppose Trump but that I also think almost any of them can get it done after Georgia, Georgia, and... Georgia where the wrong politician was topping everything by every conventional understanding or metric.)

From abroad, for the love of everything please go vote. Everything in the US seems to leak out and global warming is well, global.

My vote is irrelevant. I live in a deep blue stronghold. Nothing I can personally do is going to change what is coming, and the path that we are on. It is time to prepare for the worst.

Never irrelevant! Don't find out the hard way that you may be wrong about that. Keep the stronghold strong

Sounds pretty dramatic. With the new cycle the way it is, it will be forgotten in a month.

You know these are the people who still claim he won in 2020, right?

Ah yes, I wanted to vote blue, but now that the felon's ear got shot, I'll vote for the fashists.

This is US politics and it makes sense.

No, it's more like:

"I wasn't going to vote because I don't care about or follow politics. Now I see they are trying to kill this guy so I am going to vote for him because clearly the powers that be want him gone. So, he must be doing something to fight the system like JFK."

Nobody who was going to vote Dem is changing their vote. It's all the people who weren't going to vote that now will because they either think he is badass for surviving an assassination attempt, or because of the web of new conspiracy narratives that are sure to be born from this that further serve to frame Trump as the savior of the common man from the clutches of the evil deep state.

I am going to vote for him because clearly the powers that be want him gone.

A 20 year old kid is "the powers that be"? LOL. Maybe they will think instead "Wow Trump must be a huge dick if people hate him so much they are trying to kill him".

he is badass for surviving an assassination attempt

He didn't look like a badass at all. He looked like someone who had been bloodied because he was so deeply hated.

You are evaluating based on your perspective, and not the perspective of a middle America normie. That's the problem.

You are falling for the lame Treason Trump tactic of "spin every negative as somehow a positive". Loser Trump gets convicted of a crime? That's good! Sex Offender Trump is found guilty of rape? That's good! Treason Trump is so widely hated by Americans that people want to kill him? That's good!. Never get inside a conservative's head if you are going to come out with a loser defeatist attitude.

I'm not falling for shit. I'm evaluating the reality of the average 95 IQ NPC that is going to vote in this election. No offense, but the fact you can't understand that isn't my problem.

I’m evaluating the reality of the average 95 IQ NPC that is going to vote in this election.

No, your falling for Treason Trump's standard propaganda tactic of "pretend a bad thing that happened is a good thing". The average person does not think that people hating you enough to kill you is a good thing.

You are grasping at straws in a failed attempt to strawman my argument. This tactic is not going to work.

You are grasping at straws in a failed attempt to strawman my argument. This tactic is not going to work.

I don't see it, the lines have been firmly drawn for years. The maga crowd will vote for him regardless of anything and the rest of us wouldn't piss on him to put out a fire.

It's horrifying that our best hope is that a MAGA nutter kills Biden in retaliation and Harris wins in a landslide because of it.

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