McDonald’s earnings, revenue miss estimates as consumer pullback worsens to – 531 points –
McDonald's earnings, revenue miss estimates as consumer pullback worsens

Looks like McDonald's is reaping what it sowed. Shit food at shit prices and no one wants to buy?! SHOCKER.


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Coke for breakfast, yuck

Edit: you can downvote all you want, I’m not wrong. If you’re drinking coke for breakfast, you’ve got issues, maybe negligent parents.

Trying not to be an ass with this info:

A large McDonalds coke is 290 calories and 77 grams of sugar (153% DV). Even a small is 150 calories and 39 grams sugar (77% DV).

I get it, I don’t like my lifestyle being attacked either and I freely admit I consciously choose some unhealthy options in my life such as having a few drinks a week and eating fatty foods or cheesecakes now and then.

But please, if you are starting your day by slamming 70 grams of sugar in your face, please reconsider lol. It’s gonna give you diabetes and ain’t no regular American can afford that.

That doesn’t even take into account what they add to the food itself 😟

My family and I live on opposite sides of the country. My dad likes to come visit pretty regularly, and I used to be concerned at how little he drank. He drank beer, but barely took a few sips of water here and there.

It wasn't until, like, his fourth visit that I realized that he drinks soda. I now stock juice when he visits. Still sugary, but I'm not stocking soda for him. Anything left when he went home would just have to be poured down the drain.

I had forgotten that many Americans just don't drink water. And yes, he is pre-diabetic (but not overweight, remarkably enough).

Yeah gross. Everyone knows dr pepper is the breakfast sort drink.

That addiction's real. Gotta take the edge off somehow

Seriously though, that sucks and it's super sad

The addiction is probably just caffeine. Try coffee or tea.

Nah, it could easily be for the sugar. When I was in high school (before I learned to properly take care of myself) I'd regularly have a redbull and a Mt Dew for breakfast multiple times a week just because I needed the caffeine and the sugar to get through school (and then working till 10 at night and having even more soda).

Very good point--I had forgotten to consider the sugar.

I mean, sure, if that's the only drug/addictive compound you think it contains

Regardless, I was moreso referring to the millions of people down south that drink coke daily with breakfast. I would never, but I can see how you assumed that

Same as coffee.

Pretty sure coffee isn’t made of high fructose corn syrup

Neither is coke in most of the world, that's an American thing.

Cane sugar is not much better...

The best choice is fresh water from a glacial stream, but I guess you just have to set your standards somewhere.

Your standard is set at having 1/3 cup of sugar in 3.5 cups of water? You do know that cane sugar is also terrible for you, right? The difference between cane sugar and HFCS is a slight difference in mix of fructose to sucrose. Cane sugar is 50/50 and HFCS is 55/45. They are both very bad for you.

Your standard does not have to be your hyperbolic example. Simple tap water is fine (excluding Flint, MI). Or if you need a sugar fix, maybe get a small/medium? Still not great for you but 80g of sugar is a fuckton of sugar cubes.

Sugar or HFCS, if you're putting 1/4c of sugar into 12oz of coffee, you have serious problems.

Coffee is not unhealthy when consumed in reasonable (normal) quantities and assuming you don't pour a quarter of a cup of sugar in there. Which most people don't, unless they're getting a "coffee beverage" like a frappe or whatever.

I went to college with a guy from Uganda who would start off his morning by filling his coffee mug 2/3 full of sugar and then topping it off with a bit of coffee. It wasn't even enough liquid to fully dissolve the sugar.

Coffee is what people drink for breakfast. If you’re drinking coke for breakfast, you probably had negligent parents.