Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?

piefedderatedd@piefed.social to politics @lemmy.world – 356 points –

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Still not voting for genocide.

If things get worse, we'll just have to do something other than vote won't we?

What, are you gonna be on the front lines with your guns shooting? The overwhelming majority of people with this mindset have never held a firearm in their entire lives and have no idea what they're even talking about. What are you even insinuating here? Is your end goal that we burn the entire country down because "wahhhhh both sides aren't perfect"? Grow up, only children refuse to see greater good through compromise because they can't see past not getting what they want. Single issue voters love to stick their head in the sand and pretend the one issue that they're whinging about is the most important in the world.

Have fun standing on your "genocide" comment when you're in a fascist dictatorship run by nazis. "but but but the genocide wah"

I'm insinuating that we can become ungovernable and force the government to capitulate to our demands. Mass protest, general strike, public disruptions, boycott, we have options to fight back.

Instead of just voting every couple years.

But instead you'll do nothing, and feel smug about it.

I donate to bail funds and support resistance groups financially, because I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and there aren't protests for me to join.

Start one then if you feel that strongly about what's going on in Gaza

Oh come on, that'd expose them to actual risk from their neighbors who likely don't share their views, and they surely cannot do that. Except when they become ungovernable when things get worse partially because of their vote, and then they'll magically be capable of winning a revolution or whatever.

So you support genocide because you live "nowhere"? OK.

Yeah I'm pretty pathetic - I'm doing as much to stop genocide as you are to stop Trump lol

Hey guess what? Fascists dont give a fuck about that shit, youll end up in a puddle of your own blood cause ya wont have the numbers. If it didnt work out for the fighters at Blair mountain a hundred year ago what makes ya think youll achieve anything.

Fuck ya'd have a better chance doing random acts of terrorism that put the fucken IRA to shame. Still probably end up in a ditch but you could probably kill some of the ones trying to kill you.

If you actually believed this sky is falling bullshit you'd be doing a hell of a lot more than voting. Do you even own a gun? lol

EDIT sorry don't answer that. What I mean I, I doubt you own a gun because you do not believe you'd ever need one, because you do not believe fascism is actually coming. This is all rhetoric.

Fuck ya’d have a better chance doing random acts of terrorism that put the fucken IRA to shame. Still probably end up in a ditch but you could probably kill some of the ones trying to kill you.

We don't talk about that on Lemmy.

Im a Redneck, course I own a fucken gun. But heres the thing the Republicans are a party of fucken fascists, even if they dont get as bad as I suspect theyll still most likely use the police to gun down protesters and strikers. I just aint an idiot who assumes shit will work out, so I take every fucken step I can to keep the worst from happening. "Prepare for war hope for peace" is a pretty solid summary of alot of my philosophy.

I assume for the worst and the worst involves concentration camps, firing lines, and the destruction of civil liberties. Sure ya can probably take out the local police with an ad hoc militia, but can ya take out say an SS or SA equivalent? What about the National guard or the military itself? Cause my rough guess is that the corruption would take about ten years minimum to destroy the professionalism and tech advantage of the US military.

Voting costs nothing and depending on where one lives can have an outsized impact.

You're organizing those things, or at least joining others who are organizing, right?

As much as we can, plus financial support.

But I'm not going to organize a protest in a rural cornfield lol

So you support genocide because you live in a cornfield? Cool.

It's not like you're out there fucking volunteering for Harris anyway. Do you want Trump to win??? 🙄

Another narcissistic comment. You assume everyone else must live in a cornfield doing nothing because you do. SAD, especially since you support genocide.

I know, for a fact, that most people don't do anything political other than vote every few years. I'm assuming you're one of them.

Am I wrong?

I donate to bail funds and resistance orgs.

I bet you haven't donated to Harris.

Why not both?

Go ahead.

But I'm not voting for genocide. I'd rather die.

You have three options:

  • Kamala's policies
  • Trump's policies
  • "I don't care" (no vote)
  • surprise mystery 4th option: vote 3rd party

One set of policies is more helpful to ending the war peacefully than the other is. If you cared about your cause instead of grandstanding, you'd vote for it. Not voting sends no signal, and on average ends up with a policy somewhere between the two options, which is worse than the better option by definition. If you're going yo waste your vote, at LEAST vote third party so that your message will be heard.

Part of Harris's platform is a cease fire and a two state solution. Voting for her wouldn't be "voting for genocide".

Over people dying in another country? And not for important things like disenfranchising and taxes?

Yikes. Genocide is pretty fucking important.

Important, but not to the level of civil disobedience like when we protested police abuse and systemic racism. Like a 4/10 judging by people's actions.

2023 was the most deadly year for police shootings. Systemic racism and police abuse didn't go away. Yet, no one is in the street.

Why do you think that is?

Have you seen the debate?

Harris's policy is a two-state solution. A ceasefire that by definition ends the genocide.

Trump's solution is to, no joke, entirely wipe out Palestine.

How is this in any way comparable? You HAVE your anti-genocide option right now!

God this take is such a loser position. "Fine, I'll just take my ball and play a different sport!"

Guess what dummy, you're playing soccer with these Yahoos whether you like it or not so pick a fucking side and THEN ALSO DO MORE."

...burn the fucking barn down with the animals in it, ya dumb bystander...

Guess what dummy, you're playing soccer with these Yahoos whether you like it

Yeah, actually a lot of us are very aware of the game and how it's played. Are you? You know most of us aren't in swing states, right? So what is my protest vote going to affect again? My vote already doesn't matter in a presidential election. It's literally never mattered as long as I've been a voting adult.

or not so pick a fucking side and THEN ALSO DO MORE."

Yeah I have picked a side. The anti-capitalist side. Which of these parties are anti -capitalist, again?

99% of y'all are calling out this user saying they'll "do nothing and be smug" instead of voting, but y'all are just gonna vote blue and similarly be smug, do nothing, but continue to run defense for millionaires and one of the most powerful capitalist political parties in the world.

At least this user won't be doing the latter.

Sitting on the sidelines while the world burns around you and complaining about it is highly effective. Withholding a protest vote (for either side) and supporting voter apathy is lame as hell.

At least when the capitalists are fucking you, regardless of who wins, you can smugly yell "I didn't consent".

Withholding a protest vote (for either side) and supporting voter apathy is lame as hell.

What are you talking about? You know there are more than two candidates running, right? I'm literally saying I will be voting third party in a presidential election as I always have, and me voting third party has literally never mattered because the electoral college. Who's withholding their vote? Although, that doesn't mean I think voting in a bourgeois democracy is actually a meaningful expression of political power and organization.

You're all hand winging about people on the left who just don't want to vote Democrat, again even in states where the result is already known. You can't even dare to criticize Democrats or send any message even in safe states like CA, WA, or NY. Because the handful of conscientious leftists are definitely gonna flip CA red or could definitely flip MS blue if they sucked it up and went for Kamala.

When the capitalists continue to fuck us , you'll have done fuck all to push socialism because you spend all your time, again, running defense for one of the two most powerful capitalist institutions in the world.

In a fptp system, only the two main candidates matter once the primaries are done.

We know this.

In an electoral college system, only swing states matter.

But parties will pay attention if votes are siphoned from them. If you're not in a swing state, a third party vote has basically no negative effect but may have a positive effect of influencing a major party.

I think it's more than arguable that voting for Kamala in Louisiana or Mississippi or even potentially California is a bigger waste of a vote than voting third party.

Democracy exist so we don't have to reach that point, please, go vote.

Democracy exist

Half the presidents in my lifetime lost the popular vote.

Agreed, but democracy isn't built anew at every iteration, its assembled by the people that cares.

No hard feelings when I get the order to round up your kids to put into the camps after Führer Trump gives the signal, right? I'll just be following orders, and don't worry, work will set you free someday! I'm sure the dead Palestinians from our nuclear launch will thank you from the afterlife for sticking it to The Man.

Genocide isn't on the ballet

It is if you don't vote for the two genocidal candidates. There are non genocidal choices, even if they're just protest votes.

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

Don't support genocide.

I haven't seen a single soul on here support genocide. I do see a lot of people encouraging you to not take the easy way out.

As much as I want us to do something more than wash a finger at Netanyahu, there is not the support for anything more than voting for that.

Voting for either side is voting for Genocide. Not voting or voting third party when you're left wing is voting for Trump which is genocide with extra bad things sprinkled on top. I'd say don't kid yourself but I suspect that horse has already bolted

"Still not voting for genocide"

You say as you side with Hamas who openly calls for the genocide of the Jewish race.

They don't do that these days, and all the people that did are dead at this point. The lifespan for Palestinians is pretty short.