Trump praises Russia's military record in argument to stop funding Ukraine's fight to World – 424 points –
Trump praises Russia's military record in argument to stop funding Ukraine's fight

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As somebody told me the other day, they beat Hitler, they beat Napoleon.

In case any of you lurking Trump voters here need another example to ignore of how this person has no business in government and is too ignorant to be president. You are complicit in an impending tragedy to your history and the world.

This guy says he is the one who can stop World War III and people believe it. Embarrassing and terrifying, weird just doesn’t cut it.

Trump voters don't care, dude. They are more ignorant than he is.

Many of them believe they need to help fulfill biblical prophesy in order to hasten the last battle of armageddon so that they may rule the world as kings for christ. Many of whom work in government and military groups.

Many of whom work in government and military groups.

Pence is one of them. Christian dominionists... Fucking nutjobs.

Imagine worshipping a god but also trying some "Jesus hates this one neat trick to make him arrive early!" bullshit...

They think they want WW3 (or civil war 2). Gonna be a massive wakeup call if they actually find out what that really means. It ain't gonna be like the movies.

LoL, yeah.

And they beat the Nazis with a looooot of help from the US, pooring equipment into the Soviet Union, and then drafted the hell out of their country and sacrificed millions.

The Napoleonic war was when soldiers muzzle loaded their guns and prrimarily armies travelled by foot or rode horses. And kept warm in the winter by normally not going out to fight wars.

They also very much had the advantage of knowing their terrain and both Hitler and Napoleon got cocky and kept going during winter time without being prepared for it. Hitler especially was actually making good progress until winter hit so you could almost even say that Russia took a calculated risk (even though I think it's more of a "got lucky" situation).

Not to mention the disingenuousness of leaving out how they lost to Hindenburg and Ludendorff in between those two

Reminder that when it was Napoleon "defending" (battles vs the coalitions), he absolutely handled Emperor Alexander (Russia) ass in the field. See Austerlitz

Yeah people seem to think nuclear powers cannot lose wars. Afghanistan, Vietnam and several other countries would like to chime in.

Look nuclear escalation is a theoretical option, bit in practice it's a lot harder than people think. And now with the recent sarmat test, war on Russian soil, the broad attacks on Russian infrastructure, gigantic losses and Russia relying on north Korea for production of artillery shells.. Russia looks weaker than ever.

Look nuclear escalation is a theoretical option, bit in practice it’s a lot harder than people think.

For two reasons in this case.

  1. Russia knows that the wind can blow radioactive ash across their border.

  2. Putin has grandchildren and dictators want legacies.

The other people in Putin's administration also have their own families and interests and wouldn't want that put at risk by nuclear annihilation. Even if Putin himself tried to give the go-ahead, I doubt those in charge of the nukes would want to effectively commit suicide over Putin's stupid invasion by firing them.

As if this is what was needed to prove it. Trump once answered a question about the failings of western liberalism by talking about how liberal cities on the west coast were doing badly.

He really is a remarkably stupid person.

His base doesnt give a shit about world war 3, they just want america to fuck off front the rest of the world.

I don't believe trump would follow through on that, but thats what he's promising.

The only person who can stop WW3 and also “save the country”, which according to him is a smoking husk.

Hi, yes, it's me here, I vote for trump.

Not really, I'm a troll, and otherwise there are fukin zero trump voters here. You also ban anyone even trying to say anything pro trump.

So save yourself your keyboard war. You're like a kid fighting with tall grass. Also, get the f out of the world news sub.