Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden to FDR, LBJ. Thanks for the free campaign ad! to politics – 549 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden to FDR, LBJ. Thanks for the free campaign ad!

The predominantly ludicrous lawmaker from Georgia did Biden a solid this weekend, telling Republicans the Democratic president is fiendishly attempting to make people's lives better.


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I wish he was FDR

If only FDRs second bill of rights was passed…

Travesty that wasn’t taught in schools. Talk about based, it’s everything we’re fighting for now

People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

Truer words...

Marianne Williamson is running (Democrat primary) with an economic bill of rights as the main thing in her platform.

She’s a grifter. The democrat version of trump, no thanks.

But have you considered that she is mother and cunty and the orb queen who will use her crystals to heal the darkness in America's spirit? /j

Can you please elaborate on that? I'm curious.

Self help author that rose to prominence on Oprah as a “spiritual advisor”, she should be viewed the same as Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and Rachel Ray

And? How does this make her a grifter? How does this make her like Donald Trump? How does this mean that she scams people like Dr Phil, Dr Oz, etc.?

I vote for people because of the policies they believe, and I think that she actually believes them, and has for a long time.

Other than Cornell West, who is running as a third party, I think Williamson is the best candidate on the ballot so far.

And I say this as a non-spiritual athiest.

Self help author. She’s a grifter. Anyone that does that shit is.

So you don't have any actual evidence that she's a grifter? Okay.

I bet you’re a big fan of Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson too

Nice strawman.

It's not a straw man because his central claim is that all self-help gurus are inherently grifters.

The straw man was him/her claiming that I must like Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson (two people who I am not a fan of) because I like Marianne Williamson.

Being a self-help whatever doesn't mean that you are automatically a grifter, it just means that you write self-help shit.

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You clearly didn't watch her debate performances in the 2020 primaries. She's a nut.

  1. I watched all of them

  2. You're not being very specific in your criticisms. What exactly did she say that makes you think she's a "nut"? I only care about policy when it comes to voting for someone, so if it isn't policy related, I very likely don't care.

Bro everything this woman says is insane lol

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He's not bad though all things considered. I don't know if we could do much better in Ukraine than how Biden has responded. His global policy approach is pretty impressive. He's had a few misses in domestic policy but overall I'd say he is doing quite well.

I like him, but I’m old. I want more Dark Brandon. When he gets a second term, I think he’s gonna be more open and do something transformative. Maybe, I’m just being optimistic

You could be damned sure FDR wouldn’t have soft-pedaled any part of a pandemic response.

Yeah, he wouldn’t have stood for that

not me, I like my legs to be functional

Wholly cow, I just realized if they put him in a wheelchair, he’d win the next election. No one would vote against a guy in a wheelchair, right?

I don't know about that. I voted against my state's governor last time.

Keep fighting against that b@st@rd. How hot is it there? You had high wet bulb temperatures last week. Stay safe. On a side note, those wet bulb temps weren’t supposed to happen for years, and they already happened. Scary 😧

It's hot (101 right now), but not the worst summer we've had for sure. That's the thing about global averages - they don't mean that everywhere is having their hottest days on record, even if the globe is.

Fortunately right now the highs have just been dancing above and below 100 by a few degrees each day. Some summers we hit those 110+ days and it's rough.

Push his sorry ass out on the sidewalk and tell him him he can't have water all day.

I'm sure the same party that repealed the right to abortion and is fighting for assault rifles in schools will campaign against a guy in a wheelchair.

Not if it had flag hubcaps with a mounted .50 cal BMG and LED ‘s . And it should play “Living in America” by James Brown as he rolls. Nah, they’d still vote against him, but they WOULD hesitate.

And Trump would call him “Wheels” Biden.

“Look at him, senile, rolling around in that chair all hrrrrrrr.”

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