RFK Jr.: Media hitting me harder than Trump

teft@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 67 points –

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blamed the media for dragging his campaign Sunday, saying he has been slammed “even more than President Trump was slammed” by mainstream media outlets.

“I’ve been really, you know, slammed in a way that I think is unprecedented,” Kennedy said during an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

Kennedy, a longtime vaccine skeptic who is running a longshot primary campaign against President Joe Biden, is more popular among Republicans than Democrats, according to polling.

The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, Kennedy Jr. has been hit with backlash for his stances on vaccines, particularly recent comments he made suggesting that the coronavirus could have been “targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people,” while sparing Jewish and Chinese people. Kennedy denied allegations of racism and antisemitism, saying on Twitter: “I have never, ever suggested that the Covid-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews.”

“I mean, listen, if I believed the stuff that’s written about me in the papers and reported about me on the mainstream news sites, I would definitely not vote for me,” Kennedy told host Maria Bartiromo. “I would think I was a very despicable person.”


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Although the media hit Trump really hard, the left-on-left violence seems pretty unprecedented.

It;s clear that the left knows that he's not establishment, like Biden is, and that if he got a fair chance, he'd probably stomp Biden.

Where is exactly is the left in this fight? The media is hardly the left and RFK Jr. is an alt-right candidate using his family's name as cover to masquerade as a Democrat.

Almost all TV media is left wing. Most online media is left wing. Social media is left wing.

RFK Jr. is an alt-right candidate

Can you define alt-right?

Generally folks who are alt right aren't willing to sign a gun ban, generally aren't pro-choice, aren't for college loan forgiveness, doesn't champion trans rights, nor other LGBTQ rights, generally aren't for nationalized drug recovery centers, aren't anti-war, don't fully condemn every white supremicist, anti-semite or anti asian rhetoric.

If you really think he's alt-right, we have different depictions of what the 'alt-right' are.

Delusions as fuck. Media in this country is all run by the extremely wealthy. To call it left wing is laughable. Neo-liberalism (democrats) are borderline conservative and that's who runs the media. Just cuz you've been brainwashed into thinking centerist big corporate politicians are "left wing" doesn't make it true.

Almost all TV media is left wing. Most online media is left wing. Social media is left wing.

Literally none of this is true. The only universe this is true in is the one where anything left of fascism is "left wing."

Almost all TV media and social media is run by corporations who only care about making money. That's hardly left-wing.

and guess who gives out more money? That's right, the democrats!

The guy who paid 45 billion dollars to lift bans on several infamous wingnut trolls like Catturd and turned a bird logo into an X for clout doesn't seem like a Democrat to me. Neither is the billionaire oil baron who owns Fox News, Sky News, Fake News, etc., the former of which is the largest media company in America. You're not an underdog.

The guy who paid 45 billion dollars to lift bans on several infamous wingnut trolls like Catturd and turned a bird logo into an X for clout doesn’t seem like a Democrat to me.

He's the opposite of how the former ownership ran twitter for the past 10 years. I didn't hear you bitching about it then.

And, having uniform/unbanning regardless of political affiliation is how I believe media should be. It shouldn't be bias.

Fox News, Sky News, Fake News, etc., the former of which is the largest media company in America. You’re not an underdog.

Fox news is the only right wing cable network. NBC, MSNBC, CNN ABC are all left

You make a great point here. It's so common to boil one view down to a label, and then people use that label to extrapolate a whole set of views, many of which the individual may not ascribe to. Example: he's anti vax which is an alt right viewpoint, therefore he is alt right. You tell someone that he is alt right and then that person thinks he is bigoted toward LGBTQ+, donates to the NRA, pickets outside of abortion clinics, etc.

I'm not saying any of this in support of RFK Jr at all, just that this concept is detrimental to all rational discourse. Labels are a helpful part of language in categorizing things, but they can also be really dangerous when you default to using them in every situation even if they don't fit.

Example: he’s anti vax which is an alt right viewpoint,

No it's not, it's traditionally fringe left - see hippies.

just that this concept is detrimental to all rational discourse.

Agreed. You don't perfectly fit into one box, and the fact that one side will trash you if you don't perfectly align and vote how their party votes is absurd

A vaccine conspiracy theorist has no chance against any sane person

He wants vaccine testing similar to almost all of western europes. That's not a conspiracy theory.

sane person

So...not biden?

If they weren't nervous, they wouldn't be trying everything they could to discredit, trash and suppress his voice.

He wants vaccine testing similar to almost all of western europes. That’s not a conspiracy theory.

Bullshit. He's been peddling dangerous crackpot theories for decades:

Kennedy made his name in the anti-vaccine movement in 2005, when he published a story alleging a massive conspiracy regarding thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that had been removed from all childhood vaccines except for some variations of the flu vaccine in 2001. In his piece, Kennedy completely ignored an Institute of Medicine immunization safety review on thimerosal published the previous year; he’s also ignored the nine studies funded or conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that have taken place since 2003.

Coming from someone who read some of his fantastic environmental work from the Bush II era, I can honestly say he's ventured so far into the deep end of paranoia he should be shunned everywhere he goes. Children are dying because of him.

I have this conspiracy theory where he’s actually a genius who realized the world is overpopulated and is now on an evil genius plan to murder the world’s children to save the planet

But it’s obviously just a joke

He's against mercury in the vaccines.

A lot have been removed since his initial push against it, because the vaccines we were pumping into everyone had them.

I thank him for his work to get poisonous amounts of mercury out of the vaccines

"Thiomersal (also spelled thimerosal, especially in the United States) is an organomercury compound used as a preservative in vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.[9] Following a mandated review of mercury-containing food and drugs in 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) determined that under the existing vaccination schedule "some children could be exposed to a cumulative level of mercury over the first 6 months of life that exceeds one of the federal guidelines on methyl mercury."[20][21] They asked vaccine makers to remove thiomersal from vaccines as quickly as possible as a precautionary measure, and it was rapidly phased out of most US and EU vaccines,[22][23] but is still used in multi-dose vials of flu vaccines in the U.S."

I'm pro-vaccine. So is RFK Jr. He has concerns with some of the testing and chemicals in some of the mandatory vaccines.

I'd rather have overly cautious studies when it comes to big pharma, their limited liability, their rich history in bribing US officials (including FDA members), pumping the country full of poison (see opioids) while lying to people about what is in their drugs.

Thiomersal is in almost no vaccines at this point, and you get more mercury from a can of tuna than you would from a vaccine with thiomersal in it.

So maybe start scaremongering about tuna salad sandwiches instead.

Do you know if Thiomersal was removed from most vaccines before or after the issue was brought up?

Why did you ignore the part of my comment about tuna?

I'm vegan.

Believe it or not, repeating that doesn't answer my questions.

Lemmy was having issues so I didn't see my initial reply.

Ok? How is that relevant to the fact that there is far more mercury in a can of tuna than there ever were in any vaccine? Shouldn't your dire warnings be tuna salad-based? Shouldn't you be telling the world that they'll get mercury poisoning from tuna salad?

I was asking a question, hoping you'd know before I'd have to research it on my own, since you seem to have done some research on this.

I don't get why you're being so passive aggressive so the vegan reply was meant as a joke.

Thiomersal is in almost no vaccines at this point

Thanks to those who fought it!

and you get more mercury from a can of tuna than you would from a vaccine with thiomersal in it.

And they recommend limited how much tuna one eats....because of....that's right! Mercury!

Ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) and methylmercury (CH3Hg+) are not the same thing. The former is a preservative that's rapidly metabolized, and the latter is a bio-accumulative environmental toxicant. Huge difference between ethyl and methyl groups. It's the same reason that ethanol (C₂H₆O) will get you drunk but methanol (CH3OH) will make you go blind.

God I hate when internet laypeople try to act like they understand chemistry. Have you literally ever taken a chemistry class? If not, please start here, and in the meantime shut the hell up before you get someone killed.

I know they aren't the same thing.

I'm simply stating that due to thiomersal, there was questions of mercury poisoning. Most vaccines don't have thiomersal anymore (since 1999), which most agree is a good thing.

What are you even arguing?

It's not a good or bad thing. It just is. The CDC reacted to a bunch of know-nothings who wanted something that sounded bad out of vaccines, so they took it out. Turns out it wasn't dangerous at all and it was a bunch of wasted effort, and people still get to point back to it and say, "see!? it's a GOOD thing!" The people questioning its toxicity were morons, and we kowtowed to a bunch of morons. Now people are saying we should put one of those morons in the White House. I'm arguing because you very clearly don't understand that thimerosal/ethylmercury is not at all dangerous. It's still in your flu vaccine.

CDC reacted to a bunch of know-nothings

So is the CDC trustworthy?

ALL vaccines are properly tested, thimerosal is not dangerous, and RFK Jr. is a nutcase who's aided in the harming of children.

Stop trying to change the topic.

You just said the CDC doesn't make policies based on actual science.

I'm not changing the subject, my argument has always been against CDC and FDA corruption/misinformation

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**except for **

So it can cause issues to some....why force it on 2 month olds?

"The notion that thiomersal causes autism has led some parents to have their children treated with costly and potentially dangerous therapies such as chelation therapy, which is typically used to treat heavy metal poisoning, due to parental fears that autism is a form of “mercury poisoning”.[16] As many as 2 to 8% of autistic children in the U.S., numbering as many as several thousand children per year, receive mercury-chelating agents.

I don't get why you think this argues against me? I never said it caused autism, I don't believe it does.

So it can cause issues to some…why force it on 2 month olds?

Local hypersensitivity reactions happen with all vaccines. That's why they tell you to stay in the pharmacy for 15 minutes after you get a shot. It has nothing to do with thimerosol. The reason you accept that is that we take immunological advice from immunologists, not from partisan nincompoops who read something that sounds bad on the internet and go, "SeE!? WhY mAkE ShOt? iT hUrT bAbY1!!"

I don’t get why you think this argues against me? I never said it caused autism, I don’t believe it does.

I'm reiterating why your "why not play it safe" shtick is a toxic mischaracterization and deflection that downplays the very real harm his JAQ conspiracy ideation has caused in the world. The answer to "why not play it safe?" is "you're not playing it safe, your trolling and people are taking your megaphoned ignorance as gospel, often at the expense of their own children."

Local hypersensitivity reactions happen with all vaccines.

You're not making a great case to mandate over 30 vaccines for kids without proper testing.

It has nothing to do with thimerosol. The reason you accept that is that we take immunological advice from immunologists, not from partisan nincompoops who read something that sounds bad on the internet and go, “SeE!? WhY mAkE ShOt? iT hUrT bAbY1!!”

Nobody is arguing that. But rigorous testing in line with most western nations, seems fair.

I’m reiterating why your “why not play it safe”

Yeah, I don't like when the government forces every child to get a shot from a big pharma organization that pays the FDA to get through the testing with shitty made up science. I think there should be rigorous testing, which there are good trials, but just to be more in line with most of western europe, as opposed to safeguarding big pharma companies.

You’re not making a great case to mandate over 30 vaccines for kids without proper testing.

ALL vaccines are properly tested. Stop implying they're not.

Nobody is arguing that. But rigorous testing in line with most western nations, seems fair.

ALL vaccines are properly tested. Stop implying they're not.

Yeah, I don’t like when the government forces every child to get a shot from a big pharma organization

And I don't like when my toddler gets measles from your un-vaxxed kid before they're old enough to be inoculated. Don't want a government mandated vaccine? Then don't interact with the general public. Problem solved.

that pays the FDA to get through the testing with shitty made up science.

Bullshit. Source your claims. I'd bet my life savings you couldn't even read the findings of a Phase III clinical trial without relying on quora.com for support.

I think there should be rigorous testing, which there are good trials

There is and there are. Next.

but just to be more in line with most of western europe, as opposed to safeguarding big pharma companies.

Done. Next.

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Our childhood vaccines are documented to be safe. He is a conspiracy theorist who is assisting the murder of children.

Advocating for big pharma being more responsible for the drugs they pump into our system, while bribing FDA officials isn't assisting the murder of children.

If anyone is against holding big pharma responsible for the opiod epidemic, and holding the FDA responsible for it, is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year.

You’re bad at trolling lol.

Either that or you REALLY don’t want to read RFK’s bio, even after another commenter linked to a source

He's concerned that some vaccines are unnecessary for kids that we require for every kid.

For example the NHS in the UK advises against the chickenpox vaccine.

I just looked it up and the NHS does not warn against it at all. They only administer it to certain people.

The NHS also doesn’t buy enough MRI machines, leading to long wait times. Does that mean they’re anti-MRI? No, they’re just frugal

You're right, I apologize for my framing.

They only recommend it to a small minority of people.

So...they don't recommend it to the majority of people.

Again, reread my comment about efficiency and cost-saving.

Or are you agreeing that it’s perfectly safe and we have no reason to doubt that?

Again, re-read my comment about RFK Jr. wanting our standards to be more in line with the rest of our peer countries.

Our FDA is bribed by big-pharma, who constantly lie to consumers and have no repurcussions, despite us know they lie to us. I'd rather break out of the system where big pharma runs our healthcare policies.

Shingles for everyone!

Yeah, and being exposed to chickenpox as a child makes you more likely to have shingles as an adult. Most people encounter it as a child.

Most children don't get shingles.

Obviously. They get chicken pox, which is the same virus. Having chickenpox as a child predisposes you to shingles as an adult.

So it seems you don't understand.

I recommend reading the NHS website for their opinions on why they don't recommend the chicken pox vaccine.

If a childhood chickenpox vaccination programme was introduced, people would not catch chickenpox as children because the infection would no longer circulate in areas where the majority of children had been vaccinated.
This would leave unvaccinated children susceptible to getting chickenpox as adults, when they're more likely to develop a more severe infection or a secondary complication.

So, basically get chicken pox earlier to build immunity, regardless if it makes you more susceptible to shingles, to better protect you from shingles as an adult. Since it is more likely to hurt you as an adult versus as a kid.

Sill seems fine to still vaccinate as that would lower the amount of chickenpox floating around to begin with...

Both options seem reasonable to me, although I would lean on vaccination still.

Both options seem reasonable to me, although I would lean on vaccination still.

If both getting vaxxed or not getting vaxxed is reasonable, is that something we should require for nearly kids?

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Or else...I might agree with most of western europe?

I thought the left thought that was a good thing!


You’ve never met anyone from Western Europe,

Yes I have, many.

nor know what they think

I mean, I sourced the NHS. I'm not interviewing citizens in western europe, but I also never claimed to have.

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Holy fuck you're a crazy GQP guy eh? This guy is a complete joke to every democrat/left wing/liberal person I know. No one will vote for him. His entire purpose is to try and get some of the crazy anti vax conspiracy weirdoes who are left in the Democratic party to not vote for Biden.

Holy fuck you’re a crazy GQP guy eh?

Depends, what's GQP?

This guy is a complete joke to every democrat/left wing/liberal person I know.

You must have a shitty circle. He's seen more favorably than any other candidate, and has the lowest unfavorable ratings. Once you get away from the headlines from the MSM, and just watch a few interviews, you can see why. He's for unity for the country, getting away from the power of the CIA and war mongerers.

Those headlines don't make money, stopping the military industrial complex doesn't make money, and fighting against a bloated executive branch isn't good for the dems.

You’ve GOT to tell us how good that Kool-Aid is. Because for you to be that far up that walking misinformation campaign’s ass- it’s GOT to be amazing.

It's crazy how you can spot the insano Q fuckers in like 2 sentences or less right?

Oh ya, totally. He's going to take down the military industrial complex man. TRUMP DRAINED THE SWAMP SOOOO HARRRRRDDDDDD. I mean, he replaced the crocodiles with his toad ass children and son in law to grift up more than ever before, but he drained it first.

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