Marla Maples watching her stepdaughter give her husband a lap dance (1996) #SaveTheChildren to Lemmy – 162 points –

wait, what?

It's exactly what it looks like. He likes them young and unable to say no.

But who is that?

Trump in the blue suit with the grindy lass in his lap.

grindy lass

named Ivanka Trump

Maybe it's not what you meant, but if this is Marla Maples daughter, then that would be Tiffany Trump, not Ivanka.

Marla’s stepdaughter is the lass on Donald’s lap

Ahh, I somehow completely missed that it said, "STEPdaughter." I apologize unreservedly.

"Her husband" as in the husband of the one that is doing the lapdance or the husband of the obersever?

This English language sucks.

Marla’s husband is a creep named Donald. Donald’s daughter is 15 and grinding him.


That's pretty fucked up.

I don't wanna click... is the description accurate?


Nothing really graphic here but it is accurate.

I actually couldn't believe such picture existed. And then I remembered that this is Trump so it is to be expected.

I think the daughter is just sitting on his lap, no worries.

She’s 15-ish in the photo above, but

by the time she was 35-ish, she knew well enough to shudder and pull away when he would grab for her.

She's just as batshit as the rest of that inbred clan.

Do a search of Trump fondling Ivanka. Dozens and dozens of pictures they happily posed for.

Yeah I know about em and have no desire to see them. Not going to influence me to hate him anymore than I already do

This story explains a lot.

Back in 2016, after the election was over, they assembled a panel of the creators of all the top political TV shows. Veep; House of Cards; The west Wing; Scandal and others.

Everyone involved said the same thing. If one of their fictional characters had said that they "liked soldiers who didn't get captured" the TV networks and advertisers would have demanded that character be thrown out of the race by the next episode and be shown as hated by all Americans.