NFT Rule to – 855 points –

No longer do you tweet, you Xcrete

Edit. The gold below is worth far more than any reddit awards I got!

When I was 8 I loved the letter X and used it in a bunch of my cringe gamertags like "Player X". this man is a literal child thinking this sounds cool.

SpaceX. He's completed his little circle.

He had before that.

He's going full circle by now having it redirect to twitter, and will probably be the main page soon.

Elon is doing this so he can pretend that if someone says “i saw your ex today” he can pretend they were talking about his tweet, change my view

(Un)fortunately, that only works in English, as far as I know.

Nah, works in norwegian, and german if your ex is a guy

So instead of "I read this tweet on Twitter" it's now "I read this X on X"? That is fucking dumb.

Maybe he'll be dumb enough to sell the Twitter domain to pay bills and some rich hero buys it and puts Mastodon there instead

it reads like you’re trying to censor which exactly service you’re talking about! 😆

“I read A on B”

XX not XY? Very anti men

Edit: cant type

Y'know, if he hadn't fired all of his staff for this kind of thing then someone could've told them this is going to get meme'd to "ex" in about 0.06482 seconds. Oh well, time to grab the popcorn!

If he fires a high ranking employee now, they can put "ex X exec" on their resume.

Remember that time Elon's ex left him for a trans woman? I wonder why he's so obsessed with x.

No, you see. That is exactly what happened list time and he can't have that happening again.

Buying an NFT just so I can use this insult

I'd assume most of them go for pretty close to 0 now. Worth it for the joke I think.

Me when I post an X on, owned by X Corp, which is owned by the father of X Æ A-12

I give you this little tidbit from wikipedia I read yesterday:

According to Musk and Grimes, his name was "X Æ A-12" (/ɛks æʃ eɪ ˈtwɛlv/); however, the name would have violated California regulations as it contained characters that are not in the modern English alphabet,[476][477] and was then changed to "X Æ A-Xii". This drew more confusion, as Æ is not a letter in the modern English alphabet.[478] The child was eventually named X AE A-XII Musk, with "X" as a first name, "AE A-XII" as a middle name, and "Musk" as surname.

I found it funny.

This is a textbook example of how to not do a rebrand. The only thing that has change on twitter is the logo, nothing else. Everything else is still twitter.

Then again this rebrand is right on the money for how Elon is managing twitter.

What a dumb asshole.

Elmo Musk should host a TED talk on how NOT to brand a website. It would sell millions of tickets.

Someone should rent the Tweety Bird brand from Time Warner and make a Twitter clone social media platform identical to o.d Twitter (only the logo is Tweety on a blue Looney Tunes circles background), that way, when one posts there, it's called a tweet or tweeting

If someone did this, I bet everyone would totally migrate.