it is kinda crazy "fuck this shit" hasn't become a common acronym yet to – 73 points –

Wtf is that about?


I feel like saying the full thing relieves some of the stress caused by said unfucked shit

There are studies, I think, about swearing out loud actually reducing the subjective feeling of pain or discomfort

There's also a correlation with the sounds of said swearwords. Which tent to be more sharp and concussive. That's why "Fuck that shit" feels better than "Damn this mess"

My mom always said things like, "That guy is one tough motorscooter!"

I have started unironically saying idgaf in sentences. Often when "fuck this shit" would fit as well. But fts isn't really easy to pronounce, where idgaf is pronounceable.

still I think saying "I don't give a FUUCK" is more satisfying

possibly because it could be easily confused with 'fix this shit'?

Who knows, theres no real rhyme or reason to how lingo evolves, somethings get popular, other don't others go through popularity waves and other totally change meaning.

For example, the origin of the phrase 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' is, in its original context, meant to denote something that is obviously impossible.

You cant pull your feet up so hard you'll float or fly. Its like the modern nonsense propulsion/infinite energy memes from 4chan or plugging a power strip into itself to power it

But, nowadays, it means basically 'do something difficult and unpleasant', wíth the implication that 'i did it, so can you, if you cant or dont, there must be something wrong with you'.

Almost the opposite of its original meaning.