Ancient rule

Poplar? to – 395 points –

Funnily, Ancient (Classical) Greece had its own ancient Greece — the Mycanaeans.

But they didn't call it "Ancient Greece" because they didn't speak English

If they didn't speak English, then why can I go to a bookstore and buy Aristotle's Metaphysics in English?

Do you have any idea what a translation is? Aristotle spoke English, obviously, but Socrates didn't so it was translated for him in Ancient Greek

Do you have any idea what a translation is?

That's when Google turns English into other languages. But the ancient greeks spoke modern English.

That's when Google turns English into other languages.

Close, but no. It's the other way around. Why would you want to turn something intelligible into gibberish? That ain't doesn't make no sense! It's turning other languages into English to understand them.

That kinda contradicts my first statement but that heightens the chance that at least one of my statements is true. And since both disagree with yours, best chance is yours is wrong.

Why would you want to turn something intelligible into gibberish?

To help the gibberish people understand, of course! It's so sad when people speak languages other than English. We have to help them

That doesn't make any sense! I think I need an English translation of the gibberish you're talking

Why would you want to turn something intelligible into gibberish?

Um die Gibberish-Leute zu helfen, es zu verstehen! Mir tun die Leute sehr leid, die andere Sprachen als Englisch sprachen müssen. Wir müssen ihnen helfen 😢

Wer deutsch spricht, kann keine schlechter Menschen sein, die Erdbeere die

I always like to think he pissed off everyone just by demanding an answer to why and questioning everyone to the point of madness while also being completely sane and logical.

I mean, that's kind of exactly what happened. He was "Athens' gadfly", always asking people what they believed, and why they believed it. Eventually it annoyed some relatively influential Athenians, to the point that they accused him of something like "corrupting the youth" (I don't quite remember, it was some BS like that).

The punishment for breaking that law was technically supposed to be death, but if you were a citizen you could plead for exile (and your plea would usually be granted). Socrates, however, obstinately refused to plead the council for anything. As a result, he was scheduled to be executed. I suppose you could say he died because he held his ideals to be more important than his own life — or you could equally say he died of his own stubbornness. Either way, not too far off from your comment.

An example of beligerence at it's finest.

That sort of was why if im not wrong. He was interesting but had imo strange justifications of obeying the state (which motivated him to refuse help in escaping while waiting for execution.)

Google search results are really circling the drain these days.

Like in the Dinosaurs episode where the boy asks "why are we counting the years backwards? Are we waiting for something?"

Back then, even proving √2̅ is irrational could get you killed. It’s an elegant proof but Pythagoras was just too infatuated with rational numbers.

this is...not true

Verily, how doth it come to pass that 'tis referred to as Ancient Greece when in the present day it doth exist? By the almighty Gods!

Plato - Crito, tr. Benjamin Jowett [1817-1893].

Source? /s

err, you might wanna take a look at this ☝️