Progress πŸ™‚ to – 341 points –

Just wanted to share my 8 months mark.


lookin' killer sis!!!

love those glasses

I need to get a choker, takin' notes here

Choker was like $2 from hot topic and Zenni has the frames I'm using 😁


You look great sis! Those glasses and that hair really suit you <3 I love how you have exactly the same smile in every photo lol

πŸ˜… selfies are new but I'm addicted. Idk how to smile any other way yet... I need to watch a video or something.

I was puzzled at first: "That's unclear. What progress is she making? 8 months since what? 8 months weight loss? Yeah she looks great, well done, her. What's this community? RIP and TERROR? No, she's not doing well at that at all! She looks really alive and friendly. Wait, no, it's the transfem community?! Oh wow, yes she IS doing well."

If you were at all worried about whether you pass, I can assure you that you pass. Go you! And you dress well.

I hope you have a life full of happiness and peace from here on in.