Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells to Not The – 122 points –
Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells

As a horror performer who sees (and does) absolutely horrifying shit on a normal basis, fuck this shit in particular

Pretty sure that’s actually the goal.

Could be wrong. But you know this is gonna find its way on a sexbot, eventually.

But you know this is gonna find its way on a sexbot, eventually.

You misspelled immediately.

If you don't mind: what and where do you 'perform' exactly. Asking for a friend.

I'm a sideshow circus performer. My specialty is fire performance, but I have other talents as well as a split tongue. My friends are the kinda people who like to swing from meat hooks and swallow swords. Freak show type stuff. We do it live on stage.

Unsurprisingly, I've also performed in haunted houses.

I find that pretty cool. Is it a stressful career?

Also how was the bifurcation process?

I have a day job that pays the bills (many of us do) because the only money in art is money laundering, but I do perform fairly often, and occasionally produce. Of course it varies on the season, some months are slow for everyone. My day job is a grind.

Also how was the bifurcation process?


I don't like this. I really, really don't like this. On, like, a visceral level.

Look. Just because its face is made out of viscera, doesn’t mean it’s going to try and kill you and maybe make a jacket out of you.

Ah yes sweet manmade horrors beyond my comprehension

Smiling face in a petri dish today, Westworld tomorrow.

But be careful, these violent delights have violent ends. But perhaps this doesn't look like anything to you. In that case, freeze all motor functions.