I have become all things to all men

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 487 points –

Not from the US and I don't understand why one would support a candidate just because he survived an assassination attempt. Can somebody explain the logic behind this?

I guess it made him look stronger or cooler or something. He'll probably also use this to say that Democrats are trying to kill him, insinuating that they don't mind killing people to achieve their goals.

Which is funny because killing people to achieve his goals is Trumps political platform.

It does seem weird that a felonious rapist would get a boost from not dying. Even more baffling that he’s likely a pedo.

But lying and spinning by a corrupt machine can go along way in a country full of ignorant assholes.

It's not a purely American phenomena. It paints a candidate in a human light, as they "survived" a very public "tragedy", yet are still strongly pursuing what they think is right.

It's a humanizing event.

This is not a pro trump comment.

Edit but this is certainly not a pro violence comment either

This is the truth. This is what everyone has been trying to communicate.

Depending on how the event is spun (story-wise), an attempt like this could make the other candidate's party seem unhinged enough that one of their members would do (and apparently fail badly at) this. This, making the target, and their party by association, seem more noble than thay may be.

To a lot of people, whether the shooting is or isn't affiliated doesn't really get questioned no matter what they hear, as what party would hurt itself? They'll immediately think there is some conspiracy (the human psychology loves these rabbit holes) to make it seem like any favoring affiliation to the target's political side is staged by the other.

Voting against the people who got their base that riled up

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I honestly think this is overblown.

Republicans have destroyed decorum as well as the truth and patriotism.

When Obama killed Bin Laden they shat on him.

When Pelosi was attacked they shat on her.

When children were killed in any of the mass shootings, they shat on them.

When the pandemic happened they shat on doctors and first responders.

So this sense of "coming together after an event" isn't a thing anymore. Republicans killed it. No-one that didn't love Trump before is going to be moved by this shit.

I think the only thing that will come of this is a number of Trump supporters that might have forgotten to vote will be sure to vote now.

or they'll think they have it in the bag and not actually get out the vote

I've seen way more dunking on Trump than anything else. From gun control to his failure to actually become a martyr after years of fantasizing about it.

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Yeah, can we not resort to political violence? Beat his ass at the voting booth but using bullets to determine leaders is a shitty way to govern.

Yeah, well shitty officials still beat an all out civil war in the US. How do you think the far right regard Palestinian lives?

Only one side keeps bringing all the violence

That might be generally true but it's not entirely true, a far left extremist shot up a republican ball game a few years ago. Terrorism is terrorism no matter who perpetrates it.

Honestly nobody is really talking about this much except for loud online spaces and the media. The everyday person like today at work would rather talk about video games and the like. We talked about it a bit at work but then we mostly talked about Shadow of the Erd Tree. The world is so crazy these days we're all desensitized. It's just another shooting in America.

The "rally around the flag" effect in polling might be a little diminished in this instance as the attempted assassination was on someone who helped incite the Jan 6th Capitol Riots...

Hope so. Unfortunately, this makes him look strong, in a time, when Biden looks weak. Maybe Biden could punch a reporter at the next presser to steal his thunder. Maybe Peter Doocey - he looks punchable.