Trump team files FEC complaint over Biden transferring funds to Harris to politics – 135 points –

Ironic and hilarious


How idiotic. Donations to the campaign were made to the Biden-Harris campaign, not just to Biden. Biden dropped out so now it's the Harris campaign until she picks a running mate. I hope this gets kicked out as a frivolous complaint.

Although Biden’s heir apparent, Harris is not yet the Democratic presidential nominee. The Trump campaign said that until she is the nominee, contributions made to Biden should not be rolled over to the vice president.

Um, Biden wasn't the nominee yet either.

Yeah, its a nothing burger before it ever started and pod-saved were doofusses for even suggesting this was something to wring hands about, but I guess you gotta get clicks or something.

Even if they this was something to worry about, what would the consequences be?

All the money goes into a PAC and now EVERYONE who was already at their limit for campaign finance can donate AGAIN?

You just doubled Harris's fundraising potential. Pod saved have interesting credentials, but that doesn't mean they know what they are talking about.

I followed that pod for a good while during Trump's years, they made some good points, and also said some ass backwards shit that made me unsub

Yeah I couldn't listen to it very long. I felt like I was in an echo chamber where the prevailing democratic ideas were never questioned

pod-saved were doofusses

From everything I've heard, you can stop right there.

Throw away comment for a throw away perspective.

If you were calling Biden as a bad candidate/ not being the candidate a 10 months ago, your opinion carry weight (modifier 1).

If you were making that call 5 months ago, you get a 0.5 modifier.

If you didn't figure this shit out till the debate, you get a zero modifer to your opinion: in other words, we should ignore you.

If you still carried on past the debate. Bruh.

Pod saved is that nice, safe for white people, boilled over neo-liberalism of the Obama years. It you feel like they are in charge but still hip enough to be cool. They were months late in getting this right. The eventually got it right, but like, way fucking late.

0.15 modifier.

They want the money returned to donors. Which I would think could just be redonated. Err wait donated to Harris.

Honestly they might have the time to do that, though it'd be quite a hassle.

The Trump campaign said that until she is the nominee, contributions made to Biden should not be rolled over to the vice president

If their argument is that Harris shouldn't use the Biden money until she is the official candidate then let them have the "victory". Surely the $100 million she recieved in the last two days can carry the campaign a month until she is nominated.

But we all know they'll move the goal posts once she's nominated.

Everybody's missing the real point here: the fascists' strategy is to throw as many aspects of the election as possible into the hands of Heritage Foundation stooge judges, so that ultimately SCOTUS can coronate Trump the same way it did Dubya.


Suddenly Trump is playing by the FEC campaign finance laws rules? Fuck me running.

If Harris really wants to slam Trump's hands in the door, she'll turn right back around and hit all of Trump's mega-millions donations that are being funneled clearly by individuals.

Sounds like an "official act by the president" so it's legal.

Kamala should drop a limited edition shoe (1 pair) with the FEC complaint on it

If Trump had his way with the unitary executive posture then Biden could have FEC and FCC block and confiscate all advertising effort and call it an official act, which is a presidential feature also chiseled out of the Constitution for Trump and Trump alone... Make the insult of hypocrisy great again.