
Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1010 points –

The French Cinematic Universe is weird, I'm glad France isn't real

If France would exist, where would you put it on a map?

It is extremly strange

There is proof that borders between France and real countries like Brazil exist in the French Cinematic Universe, which means that there exists a French Cinematic Multiverse and roads between universes to make sense

Im also pretty confident birds are related to this, but im not sure what their role is

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It's illegal to post photos of the Eiffel Tower at night. (No one cares.)


The lighting is copyrighted, so it's technically copyright infringement. They only seem to care if you do it in a professional/commercial capacity though.

I'm sorry, fucking what?

How can lighting, or the sight of something be copyright?

Fuck what wonderful captialistic hellscape we live in

Architecture is an artistic medium, so it's subject to copyright. It gets a little complicated though, because this wasn't legally decided until the latter half of the 20th century.

Does the architect hold the copyright of a photograph that a photographer has taken though?

I can see it getting murky quickly. What if the building is in frame, but is not the focus of the photograph. Can the architect still claim copyright infringement on that particular photo?

The Eiffel Tower in the meme is as illegal as the Rattaouile frame since if the photo is from a broadcast the royalties have already been dealt with.

You could swim in Ratatouille river.

Many Bothans died to bring us this information.

That's actually the leaning tower of Eiffa.