This is so freaking funny to me. I love Lemmy to Lemmy – 286 points –

You have already lost. I have portrayed you as a cringe wojack, and me the handsome chad.

And could you explain how, for the court, how can you be correct, when I explicitly made you Principal Skinner?

Jury gasps

Is a Wojack like a Chinese Bojack?

It's actually supposed to be pronounced as "woyák", so it doesn't rhyme with Bojack.

Oh yes, I'm so sorry. I meant to say "ackchually" (I normally don't use that "y" after "h").

I prefer just calling them a shitlib and blocking them but to each their own

Checks out

Speak of the devil. Bye forever, shitlib.

Edit: Ahhh, the beautiful sound of

There is no record of this comment.

I'm glad you're so open about being anti-thought. Makes it much easier to dismiss your swill

Thanks for the tag!

What tag is that?

For our shitlib friend.

👍 I only ever remember trumpers on Facebook using that term

I love the tag feature on Boost for this very reason. Really shows who the "problem posters" on Lemmy are when you see the same ones you've tagged over and over, always with the worst takes.

It's kinda annoying it lacks the RES feature where it links you to the tagged comment.

lemmy inherited all it's circlejerk-y smugness from reddit

lemmy inherited all it's circlejerk-y smugness from reddit

It’s almost like that’s what happens on social media and has little to nothing to do with Reddit at all

wow, wow, wow.

you aren't suggesting that it's people, that are the problem, are you?

clearly it's only platforms that cause issues. all internet users are divine entities of pure logic and infinite empathy before they are corrupted by the unholy sins of the platform

Cant beat that strategy.