MAGA election deniers are going all-out to rig Georgia for Trump to politics – 357 points –
MAGA election deniers are going all-out to rig Georgia for Trump

It really seems like election rigging should be a crime

It is, but it doesn't apply in this case because bskdheiwhdh see vdvdhdkwjsjd.


As a cohort, the American gerontocracy is uniquely shitty. You almost have to admire the boomers’ tenacity to destroy everything before they die.

i really hope the Dems have a plan to combat this nonsense

Watch it happen and complain after the fact based on historical precedent. Perhaps they will later appeal to the judicial system that will not care because trump spent his term fairly efficiently jamming it full of shit. Then instead of escalating the issue they will just let it go, because “decorum”

Biden already made an admission that he knows these issues are going to occur.

Acknowledgement and action are different though. I assume that we're going to fuck around and find out because no one wants to get confrontational with the Republicans over it.

Dems don't even need to come up with a plan - the Venezuelan opposition just showed them what to do.

Unfortunately, Venezuela also provided a roadmap to the Repubs. In the end, it may come down to exactly what you said: combat.

Is Georgia that important? Why not just skip it?

Georgia helped Biden win in 2020. Trump specifically asked Georgian officials to break the law to help him win in one of his many "perfect phone calls." They refused and the citizens rebuked Trump's attempt. That state is very much in play for Democrats (at least for POTUS EC votes) if they can control some of the meddling.

Even if they did give him Georgia he still would've lost.

I'm not advocating against taking this very seriously, I just think that's a funny fact.

I am sheltered in a very blue state and clearly have no idea what's going on. Appreciate you explaining it to me, always figured Georgia was some bible belt red state. I need to take a trip some time.

Every single vote is important. Do not let Nazis gaslight you into thinking otherwise

It would set a precedent. Imagine if we really just let it slide.

TFG realistically can't win without Georgia. Almost all of his paths to victory center around the state.

Election deniers is a bullshit term for people that are already preparing for the loss. Traitors is more fitting. Terrorists works too.

The word you're looking for is "euphemism". The media always does this garbage to make the party of traitors seen like they have a point

Most notably, the law removed Raffensperger, who resisted Trump’s demands to “find 11,780 votes” to overturn Biden’s victory, as chair and voting member of the state board, which oversees voting rules and election certification. Instead, it gave Republicans in the heavily gerrymandered legislature more power to choose the board’s members, which allowed election deniers to gain a controlling majority of the body this year

Man, Georgia is going to be a cluster fuck this year!

So, what's being done to prevent it?

Well, Biden said publicly that he didn't expect a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses. One would hope that means that contingency plans are being drawn up for every possible legal challenge or disruption, all the way up to putting down a violent coup attempt and apprehending conspirators at the highest levels of government. Given the insanity we've already seen, and the unmistakable warning signs that keep popping upl around us today, to do anything less would be pure negligence.

Unfortunately, plans like that aren't something that can really be talked about publicly. We just have to wait and see and hope that Biden isn't going to fiddle while Rome burns.

I hope Larrry David shows up to give people water!

I would expect Georgia is one of the states where it's illegal to give water to people in line to vote.

Are there others? Right after democrats picked up 2 senate seats in 2020 the republicans created a bunch of election laws, this being one of them.

I don't know how many states did that bullshit. I just know terrible right-wing ideas usually spread, so I assume if there's one there's probably more.

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