Top Ukrainian commander says his forces now control 1,000 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk region to World – 295 points –
Top Ukrainian commander says his forces now control 1,000 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk region

This calls for a Ukrainian Riker!

Rlduiig d sotsya iotye?

If that's Ukrainian, I don't speak it. Sorry.

I'm not sure if my comment is whoosh, but just in case; it's the transliteration of the letters in the picture if you read them as cyrillic letters, highlighting that they should be understood as faux-cyrillic instead

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, it was definitely faux cyrillic. It's a reference to the Will Riker from TNG playing a sour note on his trombone that I'm known for posting (and now get summoned to post) when someone gets what's coming to them.

Їщ пѻꚍ ꙅџяэ їғ щү сѻщщэпꚍ їꙅ шҺѻѻꙅҺ Ьџꚍ јџꙅꚍ їп сдꙅэ; їꚍꙅ ꚍҺэ ꚍядп ꙅꙇїꚍэядꚍїѻп ѻғ ꚍҺэ ꙇэꚍꚍэяꙅ їп ꚍҺэ ҏїсꚍџяэ їғ үѻџ яэдԁ ꚍҺэщ дꙅ сүяї ꙇꙇїс ꙇэꚍꚍэяꙅ ҺїԍҺꙇїԍҺꚍїпԍ ꚍҺдꚍ ꚍҺэү ꙅҺѻџꙇԁ Ьэ џпԁэяꙅꚍѻѻԁ дꙅ ғдџж -сүяїꙇꙇїс їпꙅꚍэдԁ

So...are they aiming to negotiate land swaps?

To inspire other bordering countries for the land grab.

At the very least take Kalinlingrad. It's kinda stupid that it's just floating there.

Ohhhhh nobody's grabbing that.

Even if the land was worth the effort, having to integrate the massively Russian population is distinctly not

Send a few thousand armies in, scorched earth it all. Then it's just land.

Negotiate? Pfff. They'll annex russia.

Ya know.....if this whole things with Ukraine getting Crimea back, AND annexing a portion of russia, I would be so happy!

Not just a portion! They are using my strategy from Europa Universalis 2 - blitzkrieg takeover of all the country's provinces and full annexation.

30x30 km area, nice. It will force Russia to react and create issues with conscripts being on the front.

it looks more like 3/4 of a circle with 20km-ish radius. but this comes from openly available sources, that at this point consist mainly of whatever panicked russian civilians sent to the most reliable source in the world, russian telegram channels. syrskyi knows much more and in more detail

It's twice what any independent reports are saying, but even 500 is more than everything Russia conquered in the last few months.

Just a depressing reminder.

Russia holds considerable defense in depth. ~20km depth is not alot in area or value. Moral hit is considerable, puts Russia on the defensive in one area, but Ukraine has not even pushed Russia out of their initial gains or reclaimed its border.

I don’t think it’s a depressing reminder… not like Ukraine is going to march to Moscow.

It’s just reminding Russia that Ukraine is not afraid to hit back and forcing Russia to spend resources on defence. I doubt Ukraine will seriously try to hold this territory, just make it costly to retake.

not like Ukraine is going to march to Moscow.

Flash forward to one year from now. Headlines read "Ukraine takes Moscow. Putin found dead."

You're right, I'm doubtful they will match on Moscow - won't be surprised if they drone it though.

Just keeping in mind this isn't a war ending stellar breakthrough that many believe - its a blow for Russia, a boost for Ukraine, fighting in a new field around a new village. Russia has been invaded plenty of times, but that depth is a killer.

Russia has been invaded plenty of times

With F-16s, HIMARS, and drones?

Modern warfare isn't the same as Germany in WW2.

No, with twin engine bombers, tanks, diesel trucks and radios after Napoleon failed.

Don't ever assume your tech is what makes old issues non-existent, can guarantee they thought the same as their cutting edge tech. Mud still sucks, logistics and supply are still vulnerable, and forces can get spread out.

But shouldn’t the advancements of technology even out? Basically: While Ukraine has more advanced weapons then WW2 Germany, also Russia does. So at the end of the day this is still kind of a David vs Goliath situation

Russia holds considerable defense in depth.

I think you have no proofs. As a Russian, it's insane to assume Russia would spend resources on keeping any meaningful defense far from borders. And from places Putin often visits, of course.