Trump's jet malfunctioned—its replacement appears to have been owned by Jeffrey Epstein to politics – 394 points –
Trump's jet malfunctioned—its replacement appears to have been owned by Jeffrey Epstein

Lmao. Come way.....

checks if it's The Onion


Sweet Jesus this motherfucker is a peice of work.

Somebody has a sense of humor. There's no way the Trump team would have thought to look into this so this is the leasing entity being cheeky. But, it was probably just a matter of the plane being ready.

Records indicate that an aviation company, according to Reddit user u/shiruken, bought the plane from an LLC linked to Epstein in February 2021

Shouldn’t the journalist at least verify these claims before publishing an article?

How the fuck is a reddit user a source?

Because the reddit user linked to a set of reliable sources for everything except the photo of the jet showing its tail number and use by the Trump campaign (which they provided)

The journalist then discovered that a local news outlet had published a photo of the same jet including tail number being used by the Trump campaign, so they had the full chain of evidence without depending on a reddit user's say-so.

What's the point of this article?

Probably to continue pointing out what a pedophile rapist tRump is. If I had to guess.

Edit: Oh, oh! And by extension how gross and weird everybody is who defends him!

I get that, I just don't see how getting a jet that used to be owned by Jeffrey Epstein matters. He's a creepy rapist, and pretty much everyone already knows that.

I agree with you. However, at the same time, (assuming) it's a fact and I'm all for repeatedly reminding people how similar he is to Epstein and how close of friends they were. So, with that in mind, I fully endorse the article.

"Trump's jet malfunctioned—its replacement appears to have been owned by Jeffrey Epstein"

I typed this one in Braille.

Yet another fantastic choice by this weirdo.

In his defence, it was a really good price. They gave him the black-light special pricing.

50% off if you promise to never shine a black light in there.

Everybody got one on their 10th visit.

“According to reddit user /u/blyatcorp” - okay stop.

I need a news story to not have random redditors as the only source.

That's why they included the links that person provided, which document the historical ownership of the plane.

Fair, but two things:

* “The origins of the photo aren’t exactly clear. According to u/shiruken, the photo was first posted by the redditor u/ChuckBarley. Neither account responded to inquiries sent by the Daily Dot.” is still the problem as “the photo” is the linking evidence * All of the info was copy/pasted. The author could have referenced their own search, and it’d be easy to do but they didn’t.

Which isn’t to say it isn’t believable, it is, just that it’s conjecture because they ran the story without verifying it.

Edit: looks like they ‘confirmed’ it via an Xitter account, which - is something? I guess?

The sources are all public information:

This aircraft’s old designation was N212JE (note the matching serial number) and was previously owned by Jeffrey Epstein (note the last two letters of the tail number),” they wrote. “The registration history shows it was owned by Epstein’s Plan D, LLC in the U.S. Virgin Islands before being transferred to N550GP, LLC in February 2021. The tail number was subsequently changed to N550GP in July 2021.

It's not the only source. That was the person who noticed it and made the connection. The authors then did their own investigation and confirmed that it was true.

The Air Current, an outlet that provides, according to its X bio, “data-driven reporting & analysis on the business, technology, and strategy of flying,” stated on Monday that it confirmed that Epstein previously owned the plane used by Trump.

Ah okay, thank you. I wonder if that was an update to the story - that was all I was looking for.

It’s still hinging on a social media account (The Air Current) but it’s corroboration at least.

I don't think it is; the one that that account had that wasn't initially sourced elsewhere was a photo of the plane tying it to the Trump campaign and showing the tail number. Per the article local news subsequently posted such a photo

Gotta admit, the plane in the local news pic? Pretty pedo-y. Like the jet equivalent of a cargo van with “Free Candy” spray painted on it.