DNC night one ratings beat RNC by 21 percent despite late Biden speech

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 317 points –
DNC night one ratings beat RNC by 21 percent despite late Biden speech

Early data comes as Trump reportedly concerned Kamala Harris nomination speech will outshine his from RNC

The first night of the ongoing Democratic National Convention in Chicago had signficantly better ratings than the opening of the Republican National Convention last month, according to overnight data.

The DNC had 11.4 percent of sampled households watching in 44 major metro areas across seven networks on Monday, compared with the RNC’s 9.4 percent rating, a difference of over 20 percent, according to TV analyst Michael Mulvihill, president of insights and analytics at FOX Sports, FOX Entertainment, and Tubi.

In a statement on X, the analyst warned that the data was just preliminary.


Only one person cares about these ratings, and he hates this.

That weird obsession with crowd size....


Heheh, that little look at his own hands.....

And the cameras scanning the, not one, but two packed arenas, the second one being where Trump's convention had been....

Trump's obsessed with the size of a lot of things. Maybe he's compensating for something. I guess we'll never know.

It's so weird that a former "celebrity" would be such a ratings loser. How humiliating that must be, when he has every advantage. Looks. Experience. Bottle of sperm freshly harvested from a couch glove...

Interesting that people still care so much about live viewings of non-sports content in the age of VOD.

But also: lol Trump is gonna lose his shit

“These ratings are fake ratings. The best people are telling me this. And I know it’s true because I’m very intelligent—my uncle, MIT guy, very smart, good genes. This is the Marxist, fascist media trying to take Trump down, just like they did to the late, great Hannibal Lector.

Just yesterday, a TV executive—big, tough guy, never cried before in his life—came up to me and said, with tears running down his face, he said, ‘sir, I’ve never seen ratings as fake as these.’”

— Donald Trump, probably

As I read all these classic lines (and try not to roll my eyes out of my head), I can see them scrolling up a TV screen—some in yellow text—just like those old "Greatest Hitz" CD commercials.

79.2% did not tune in

better article would have discussed why both parties are not seeing voter enthusiasm at high percentages and do not think being in bed is the end all reason for the disengagement

I'm voting for Harris. I don't need to watch a pep rally to convince me.

Yeah, all she has to do is be a functional human being, and she's already demonstrated that.

Still needs to campaign hard in battleground states for down ballots.

But this isn't useless, the people tuning in to conventions are already voting for that party. But they're the ones knocking on doors, phone banking, and other important volunteer work.

Their engagement is very important, and that's who conventions cater too.

So am I. But what are we doing to convince others, especially others in battlefront states? Michelle reminded me about that. And honestly it was just refreshing to hear political speech that wasn't making me cringe or retch.

I work 10 hour days, 5 days a week to make enough to barely save a small retirement, that maybe some day I'll use before dying. I don't care to see any of these people on TV congratulating themselves on a Tuesday. I will vote Democrat for the forseeable future because of sanity, but my disengagement is hardly measureable.

That's not how relative percentages work lmao

Mate I woulnd't tune in if Jesus was giving a speech. Both of these conferences are just hot-air extravaganzas -- absolutely worthless.

Who fucking watches live TV? Go home boomer and answer the pollster calling your landline to complain more about how much you hate the dems.

It's largely boring and goes for like 15 hours a day for several days in a row. Much of it occurs while people are working, and the big names often go on after half the country is asleep.

What are you even talking about? Do you think people staring at their TV for 45 hours would somehow translate to voter enthusiasm? No one watches live TV. People watch clips or recordings after the fact, just like with literally everything else.

I have plenty of voter enthusiasm, I just have better shit to do with my life than watch the DNC or the RNC. I already know what they're gonna blabber about for literal hours in a row and I frankly don't care to listen again.

What could I possibly gain by watching political party propaganda on TV, especially if I already agree with the message?