Sen. Bernie Sanders calls for a Gaza ceasefire during DNC speech to – 423 points –

Hit all the right points. We just don't deserve you Bernie.

Yes we do. And it's why he's trying so hard.

I don't like your blankets anymore. Will you take these back?

I will. Thankfully smallpox isn't transmitted by blankets, so thanks for the free blankets. :)

Well that's not exactly correct as it can be spread by bedding it just depends how long since the infected person occupied that bedding. If the blankets have not been washed and they've been stored out of direct sunlight. The disease is spread by bodily fluids usually most virulent are the sores. However if it's been greater than 24 hours and the blankets are dry then they should be safe.

If your username is a reference to Fort Pitt, the blankets were likely never used as a bio weapon to begin with. If they had been previously used by people who had smallpox the infection would have been an old one. Speaking of old infections some think it was one of the oldest diseases in human history.

Did he call for a weapons embargo on israel or is he "trying to appeal to Netanyahu's good side"?

I have not listened to his DNC speach, but back in january he introduced a resolution that would have invoked the legal requirement that US assistance not be used to commit human rights violations. It failed 72-11.

Back in April, he spoke in the senate opposing the $8.9 billion offensive military aid to Israel; after having introduced amendments to cut those provisions out. (If you read 1 link from this post make it this one).

As early as October 11, he was calling for the US to force Israeli restraint, and explicitly calling Israel's responce a violation of international law

On October 25, he demanded information on how Israel was going to use the first aid package before it went to a vote in the senate, which was formally sent to Biden November 1.

At this point I stopped going through his press releases, because at this point, he just sounds like a Cassandra.

just sounds like a Cassandra.

I don't have much to add, but thanks for showing me a new expression! I had to look it up because I had no idea what you meant ending like that lol

How is this anything other than PR? Biden has all the power to force a ceasefire. An arms embargo and threatening of sanctions would stop the genocide today.


If Biden does the right thing Trump gains a new megaphone. BIDEN ABANDONED ISRAEL, Yada Yada Yada.

By their current cold calculus the momentum Trump could gain isn't outweighed by what Harris stands to gain from it.

It's evil. But that's how they think. The dead are just numbers to them.

Also AIPAC would divert all of their money to the Republican party. They already have the NRA they don't need AIPAC money

It sucks but we're essentially living under Mafia rule

AIPAC already has diverted all their money to republicans. They took out Cori Bush in favor of a candidate who may as well be a republican

AIPAC needs to be declared a foreign lobby group and banned

Why not ask Bernie? Seems you know more than him.

Also since Bernie directly supports those folks you criticize why not ask him why he supports genocide or ask him specifically what actions he’s taking to stop it?

How is your BS anything other than PR as well?

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::: spoiler Search topics on Ground.News ::: Media Bias Fact Check | bot support

Why is the poor fact checker being downvoted into oblivion you poor useful idiots?

It is an ad bot for ground news masquerading as a fact checker.

Media Bias Fact Check, the source for the info the bot gives is not ground news. It's one of ground news' sources. They are not connected in any meaningful sense.

Also, it's not an ad, it gives you all the information right in the bot for free and links to the site with more info for free. They aren't encouraging you or even suggesting donating to or buying ground news or mbfc.

Lastly, just block the account if you don't want to see it. I have no idea why people are so upset at a bot for giving them free, helpful information they can choose to ignore or block.

When a venture capital enterprise founded on incorporating AI into the news injects itself into every thread people are going to have a problem and not just to block or ignore.

This isn't ground news, it is MBFC. They don't use AI for their ratings, and they aren't vc funded. Literally both of those are next to each other on their about page if you cared to look.

Once again, the bot is giving you free information about the media source in the bot with more info linked on their site for free. You are free to ignore or block it. I just don't understand throwing a fit about the existence of a bot designed to help users understand media bias for free.

If the mere existence of free and helpful information makes you so upset, just block it and walk away.

I was happy to ignore it until the threads about it came up and the people/person running the bot demonstrated they weren't really going to listen to negative feedback. MBFC isn't accurate on political bias, but it is accurate on reporting whether a source is well known/reliable. The bot maker doesn't seem to care much about that. That's probably why people prefer to downvote it so much now.

And, uh, I wouldn't read any of my text here in 'upset'. That's just being silly.

And was promptly escorted off of the stage for this brazen act of antisemitism

He was given a loud round of applause, actually

I can't believe everyone on that crowd is antisemitic smh

The problem with this kind of sarcasm is how many people mean it sincerely makes the sarcasm seem at least potentially not sarcastic.

The problem with this kind of sarcasm is lemmy users are fucking idiots.

Skill issue

Yes, it is a skill issue on your part.

Someone failing to recognize the obvious because of stupid people multiple times is my fault, sure.