Wolf corgi

ickplant@lemmy.world to aww@lemmy.world – 746 points –

I once saw a dog like this in a shelter, and literally thought, that's a cross of a Corgi and a Husky.

I've heard they may actually be the ancestor breed of corgis

Now all we need is 3 pigmee piggies and a doll house and we can have the cuttest horror story ever!

"I huff and I puff but now I is too tired" lies down

This must be AI

"Give me a photorealistic picture of a wolf combined with a corgi, and give it a silly sounding name"

What do you mean silly sounding? Västgötaspets Doesn't sound silly at all

I literally have one of these dudes next to me 24/7!


That's not a Västgötaspets, looks more like a mixed breed.

It's possible he is a mix. We rescued him and the shelter said he was a vallhund. They also have this coat type that looks like a German Shepard so who knows 🤷‍♂️

The name is actually just "herding dog" but in Swedish. It's kind of weird to not translate it since it's just a compound word, not a "name".