Some rows of videos have different padding to Mildly – 258 points –

Yeah, I noticed that too. Makes it impossible for your mouse to stay in the gutter to avoid auto play

If you never care for seeing them: Profile Button > Settings > Playback and performance > Browsing, turn off Video preview.

UX is YouTube's passion

Their app and website are both atrocious. I've got a rant somewhere on Lemmy about once time it made me scream with impotent rage over the UX experience, and I'm someone comfortable with editing the DOM/scripting to fix the worst of it.

Its kind of sad considering they are aggressively trying to get everyone watching ads

Steve Mould đź’š

Really cool water bottle, but couldn't bring myself to spend $60+

Good way to store your binary explosives in a cute, convenient package though!

If I ever found myself making a 25 minute video about how a shitty twitter alternative "needs to be better" I would seriously reconsider my life, maybe even end it.

I believe this is because not all videos are 16:9 (or 16:10). Something about different video sizes seems to break youtube thumbnails for some reason.

That's so odd. This is YouTube, right?

I wonder what makes this happen. Which browser is this? Independent of browser?

What made this happen? Shitty programming stuffed to the gills with unnecessary frameworks, JavaScript tracking nonsense and code spread among multiple servers all trying to render a simple grid of video thumbnails.

I don’t blame the programmers as much as the marketing droids that have ruined the internet at this point.

I think this one is more on the YouTubers.

I build this kind of grid for customers and it's almost always the same problem.

Users will upload images with white borders, some more, others less.

Without inspecting the code i can only assume, this could also be, like you said, conflicting frameworks, where their CSS keeps fighting each other for display supremacy.

Edit: i think you're right, this looks like the failed attempt to add 40px margin every x amount of cards, while trying to match the needed margin for a new row.

A forgotten media query, it still has the margins from the 5 col grid for the bigger screen

Honestly, it just looks like a content blocker dropped some ads from the grid and there are either leftover containers or some CSS that's expecting elements to be in a specific order.

Add removal, pocket further advertising can choosing to appear in, simple bad coding, or are they doing abmassive AI study to see how different paddings affect our choices?

Who knows!

Are you using unhook? I think that it's a bug. Let me check.

Edit: Yeah, I just checked. First at Edge, and every row was normal, then I turned off the unhook plugin in floorp, reloaded youtube and everything was okay