Trying is for losers. to Mildly – 601 points –

This person pulled straight into a 45 degree parking spot. I'm parked on the left. It's a daycare and I'm curious if their kids can color inside the lines yet.


Keep in mind that in these situations it's not always their fault. Sometimes two other people have pulled in straight and they're the third. Then the other two leave, and they just look like an ass.

Or maybe they're just an ass. Can really go either way.

I always try to remember this. SOMEONE is an absolute idiot in situations like this, but it's not always the most obvious one.

Also: someone going super slow in the fast lane. It's not always the car in front of you, especially if it's a big car. Sometimes there's a little car in front of em.

Yup, I've had to park poorly because everyone else around me had parked badly. Usually one person will park way out of line "Don't want my car getting dinged!" and that causes a domino effect where everyone else has to park badly too. Now if the one next to you leaves you look like the dick.

I'd rather park my car almost touching the 2 badly parked cars, than to park outside of the lines.

I don't care if they are inconsiderate, I won't be.

Because then you’re inconsiderate to the person already parked there. There’s a point where you need to fit with actual behavior of other vehicles rather than stand your ground for the rules regardless of reality

You're wrong. Someone who's inconsiderate enough to park like an asshole doesn't deserve to be treated any differently

Especially because it looks like the curb is perpendicular to middle car's tires, which would put it on a 45 degree angle to the lines. Guessing somebody (maybe them, maybe not) pulled in straight to the curb and somehow missed the lines entirely.

Somebody is an idiot, but maybe not an asshole?

From this angle, I feel like the white car's right rear (or front too?) wheel would hit the curb if a previous car tried parking like the middle car. Or maybe there is more space to white car's left than it seems. But I'll still vote ass.

It’s a daycare so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it was a very tired parent

It being a daycare makes it even worse.

Then they should know which side they should approach a one-way parking lot, they drive there almost every day.

Being a parent doesn't give you a free pass to be inconsiderate.

Not a free pass. I just know there’s a peak level of exhaustion that makes you not notice or not realise your own actions. There’s a reason there’s parents accidentally leave their baby in a hot car. Or leave their kid in the bath tub and walk off. Once you go through it you know and you have to be so careful. Luckily this person (assuming they didn’t do it on purpose) just parked badly and didn’t hurt anyone.

Luckily the worst I’ve ever done was put the milk in the pantry and cereal in the fridge

I don’t disagree, but sleep deprivation makes a person do wild things they wouldn’t do otherwise.

No, must be malicious intent and them showing off their superiority, because on here (just like on reddit) people are mostly imbeciles that can only see in black and white.

I mean "asking to get his car keyed" what kind of people are commenting here?!
It's a fucking daycare, how long does it really take to get his kid and get out? 5 minutes?

"it's only 5 minutes" is most likely the same inconsiderate thinking that produced that parking job.

This person is a parent, likely going to teach their kids also be lazy, inconsiderate goons.

We live in a society. Park in the lines, put your shopping cart in the corral, stand on the right side of the escalator... these are basic things a person does to make life a little less inconvenient for others. L

Don't teach your kids to be privileged dicks.

2 more...

I think these people must be the happiest assholes in the world. They just don't give a fuck about anything, they live their lives carefree.

Or people constantly return their behavior with negative ones too and they can't understand why everyone "is an asshole to them"

I'm glad to see the shitty parking pics have come over here from reddit. I missed them!

I had a guy a few days ago park next to me at such a shitty angle that his back end was a few inches from my car and I could barely open my door. Fortunately he was still in his car and fixed it after I gave a few raps on it. I think I woke him up.

The way it's angled is like they came in the wrong way on a directional parking lot and parked at the angle for if the lot had been reversed. Probably not an idiot but definitely not paying attention. Lol

There is an old joke about being so gay you can't even park straight...but I'm not sure that's what's going on here. Lol

When you park, are you not lining yourself up with either the lines or the cars parked either side of you?

I dont think i could park without noticing i had done this, let alone get out of the car and not see it. I certainly couldnt walk away without fixing it.

I absolutely do pay attention to the lines and am fastidious about not being too close to other vehicles. I'm just saying I see how this can happen, even if I could never see myself doing this.

Distracted people do bone head things and most anyone can be caught up in their own head. It might be that they have multiple sources of high stress overwhelming them, or they had some shocking news, or they are just flat out trying to figure a problem in their life.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt more now. I try to look for a logical mistake, like in this case coming in the lot in the wrong direction and not paying attention to the lines and realizing not everyone is fastidious as me about parking, I can see the potential for an error like this. Assuming everything is intentional just makes more people upset. Assuming intentionality also dehumanizes the person a little because they aren't given the chance to be a human that made a mistake.

That's not to say I never think people are assholes or idiots. I just try to think of a frame for the action. It's still irresponsible of them to do this, but seeing that as unintentional first instead of intentional first helps me not be as upset with them.

Really good take. Although i do feel that whilst perhaps the act was unintentional in the first instancw and can be forgiven, leaving it that way or not correcting it afterwards is a bit different.

I once watched someone park where i work, and they were across the line a bit, taking 2 spaces out of action, and i thought, whoops! They will notice and sort that. I then watched that person get out of the car, check how they had parked and then fight some internal battle for a full 3 minutes as they moved to walk away, then stopped suddenly and went back to look on a loop. Eventually, they decided to walk away. You would turn up later and give them the benefit of the doubt, but i know they are just an asshole. 😆

I also once saw someone do this at work

Lmao beautiful. Yeah, I know someone people are just flat inconsiderate and that's fine. It's more for me anyways to assume they aren't an intentional asshole. I do think everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, but I'm aware that excuses some assholes that shouldn't be as well. I'm at a point in life where I'd rather let a few of them pass than accuse someone whose intentions weren't malicious. Honestly though... I still mutter "asshole" to myself regardless of who they are lol, I just try to mentally check in on why they might not be.

Same here. I don't want to get dinged or be "that person" and I'll pull out and realign myself if I think my parking was bad. I couldn't imagine parking like this and thinking it was ok. My guess is they they were in a big rush, figured there was plenty of empty space in the lot and the space next to them was empty and thought "I'll only be here for a minute".

Assuming everything is intentional just makes more people upset.

As I learned from Buddhism "Don't assume everything is aimed at you or deliberate." Then there is "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Both of those are concepts I try to keep in mind. On the whole, people are just trying to live their lives and mean nothing personal by their actions whether they are inconsiderate or not.

That's the "I'm late for something" or "I don't give a shit" parking job if they came in from the wrong direction.

My money is on drunk driver

My money is on sleep deprived. Same thing for all intents and purposes. They are outside of a daycare.

She was busy paying attention to her phone.

Looks like they came down the parking lot the wrong way.

So not only did they double park, they were also driving the opposite way of normal traffic?

Please take their drivers license.

More like 30 degrees into 90 degree parking, no? Or is this an American thing?

Asking to get his front keyed too. I hate people blocking sidewalks with their private crap. You guys already own the majority of infrastructure space and still have the audacity to pull this and similar shit constantly.

If there are no cameras or people nearby who can watch, I'd just key those vehicles to teach them a lesson. Assholes doing this type of shit, no matter who they are, deserve punishment and keying their vehicle isn't even that bad of a punishment.

You are crazy and obviously don't know how expensive and difficult painting a car is

I'll admit I'm the asshole in the situation, but if I parked badly only to come out and see someone had keyed my car, I might get the message that I need to park better.

Also, having a super pristine vehicle doesn't matter to me as much, so having it repainted after someone keys it wouldn't be my first priority by a long shot. Probably close to the very bottom of the top 10 priorities for me in that position.

So you're saying that you would be ok with someone damaging your property that you worked to get just to know you parked wrong? Instead of a note or something

I'd learn a lot quicker if a few people keyed my vehicle than just leaving a note and I'd get a punishment I feel is deserved, so yeah. Sure I'd be mad, but I'd in the end feel they were justified in their actions.

I'd learn a lot quicker if a few people keyed my vehicle than just leaving a note and I'd get a punishment I feel is deserved, so yeah. Sure I'd be mad, but I'd in the end feel they were justified in their actions.

To be fair, it’s much easier to just park within the lines and realize that there are people out there who will absolutely do this. If you think that it will never happen to you and it does, you’re kind of an idiot and got played because of it

I was legit thinking of doing this today when I saw 3 cars parked like idiots in the lot. No cameras too. So tempting the more it happens.

Their kids ability to color within the line is the least of your worries lol

it's no big deal if if doesn't functionally prevent anyone from getting in and out and if it's just a quick move

They're still an asshole.

Or very distracted. Not excusing them, just saying. Not every action is a purposeful asshole. They could be an innocent asshole lol

Distracted drivers are even worse. They literally kill people.

I'm sure the lives of those in this parking lot are in very little peril.

That's what people who park like assholes tell themselves. It takes ten extra seconds to straighten out and park correctly.

The daycare I take my kids to, there are six regular spots in front of the building and two handicapped spots. There's tons of parking on the side of the building, it's just not as convenient.

Without fail, there are mothers who will absolutely park in the handicapped spots if the other spots in front are taken. Some of them will even park their massive SUV in BOTH handicapped spots. It blows my mind, the privilege these people display. They can park on the side of the building and walk an extra ten feet like s normal human being, but no... they are more important than anyone else.

I make sure to point out to my kids that those people are breaking the rules because they don't want to deal with a very slight inconvenience.

Reminds me of the people who will practically block our street by parking on both sides because they don't want to be slightly inconvenienced using their driveways. I don't think a fire truck could get down our street unless they sideswiped every car.

handicapped spots

if they're not being used, maybe they don't need to exist?

I've seen people say it's kind of weird people want the "handicapped" to be both treated equally and have special parking spots?

Again, things assholes tell themselves.

You don't understand how wheelchairs work, do you?

If you can't park properly, you don't deserve to drive in public.

Not everybody can achieve the right angle on their first try. It takes a real master. There’s no shame in that diagonal parking. It happens to the best of us sometimes.

If you can't park properly, then you don't deserve to drive on public roads.

Guys, GUYS, I think this comment is a joke!

Then it should have the /s tag.

You can't discern sarcasm though text.