Russia is charging families of dead soldiers $1,500 to get their bodies back, human-rights group claims to World – 743 points –
Russia is charging families of dead soldiers $1,500 to get their bodies back, human-rights group claims

Excuse me wtf. I mean drafting people to invade another country is already fucked up enough. Charging money to return bodies? What. The. Fuck. So is the russian army just gonna accept this? C'mon man, do a coup.

Pretty sure the military needs this too, just to keep it funded.

You say that like the military would see a single red ruble of that payment rather than it going straight into the commander's rainy day fund. He had to go and get Conscriptovich killed in the first place, that's hard work and deserves compensation.

I like you! I love the image of a russian official hiding away a dying currency in their mattress, "just in case".

All the while the absolute downpour around them makes that moment the rainiest day on record.

A coup is extremely unlikely, and here's why. The ruzzian army is mostly a collection of private armies funded and heavily influenced by oligarchs. These oligarchs manage to get along with eachother to cooperate on a battlefield under higher instruction, but there is still bickering, backbiting and bullshit behind the scenes.

A coup would require the majority of the army's oligarchs to get along with eachother, trust eachother and coordinate with eachother. Imagine Italian mafias from the 1960's and how difficult that would be to accomplish. That's about how childish, skittish and unintelligent these guys are and why a coordinated coup is not likely.

The good news is, though, a temper tantrum by one oligarch could get pootin killed. That is not off the table on any given week. Cross your fingers.

They are charging half a year's income, by the way. Not just "charging money", but charging so much that no one can afford it without becoming homeless.

Helps keep them massage the causalty numbers if they don't have to return all the bodies ...

lol they're cartoonishly evil

The only cartoonish thing here is obvious (and very stupid) Ukrainian propaganda.

Insider was unable to independently verify the claim.

Look, I side with Ukraine in this conflict, but this info is coming from a Ukrainian human rights group. I think I'd assume that this is propaganda that might contain a grain of truth.

I'm sitting here watching Jack Ryan season 3 and Russia is portrayed as this big bad world super power and it's endleslessly laughable.


Yeah... that season was a little interesting. They definitely wrote it before the war as it has not aged well.

Is jack ryan series good ? Should i watch it

1 and 2 are good but 3 and 4 are too over the top "super spy" mode

It's ok with good production values but the latest season is terrible.

I stopped watching the first season because it was sucking CIA's dick too much

It's a Tom Clancy IP so CIA and US military worship is a given.

But the last season was so inept. The season finaly was specially terrible immitating badly a similar scene from Sicario. And it was a real slog getting there with their convoluted, ridiculous and boring take on "Clear and present danger".

I don't mind consuming propaganda/CIA Mary Sue but it at least has to be entertaining.

The recently released series Lioness does a much better job even if Taylor Sheridan recycles his "cartels working with Islamic terrorists" plot point from Sicario 2 which I find way too far fetched.

To put things into perspective, that's ~4 months of median salary, or ~8 months of minimum wage.

And what is the death benefit to the family?

Russian officers refused to collect the bodies of dead troops so the military wouldn't have to pay their families, convict soldier says

I've heard figures up to $30k, I think, but 1. reports on whether these are or are not paid out reliably don't seem conclusive to me 2. I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a regional coefficient, and these are Moscow numbers 3. wrestling them out of the system must be hard, and now there's also $SUBJ.

Feels like a kickback scheme: you need a body to get benefits, you must pay us to get the body....

1 more...

If there is a terrible way of doing anything, Russia goes that route.

Russia is what a country run by only Republicans would look like. Desolation and grift everywhere. In short, in the wise words of orange man, "a shithole country".

Russians are mostly conservative, so they will not rock the boat by complaining too much. They will just say it's all for the best.

Conservatism harms everyone. Even conservatives.

It's interesting how you've shoehorned conservatism into the conversation, but "fatalism" is the right word here.

Shoehorned? I think you mean "accurately described" instead of politely keeping quiet like we always used to do. The truth is, normal people have always seen the dangerous conservatism around us. We've just been polite this whole time. Look where that's gotten us.

Conservatism is a plague and should be spoken about openly. We should be teaching our children why we don't do business or keep relationships with racists, misogynists, bigots, xenophobes, homophobes or any other types of conservatives.

Wherever possible, normal people should be marginalizing the haters to marginalize the hate.

Shoehorned. I'm sure you have your reasons to hate conservatism, and I have no intention to downplay or dismiss whatever opinion you hold on conservatism, but Russians are fatalistic conformists, not conservatists.

Anyone else feel two massive countries (Russia and China) are lurching from serious crisis to crisis (war, economic slowdown) and just feels like the "I'm in Danger" meme?

The US isn't much better. The 3 world superpowers are in serious trouble.

compare the exchange rates of their currencies to see how thoroughly wrong you are.