A 13-Year-Old Girl Is Apparently the New Leader of the JFK-QAnon Cult

OfficerBribe@lemm.ee to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 177 points –
A 13-Year-Old Girl Is Apparently the New Leader of the JFK-QAnon Cult - Lemmy.world

My guess is it's really a 40-year-old morbidly obese man in his skidmark underwear living in his mother's basement that has never worked a job before.

I have a sudden reminder of those women in medieval times that claimed they heard the word of God. Random young women who had people captivated, but ultimately were talking nonsense

I thought the whole point of 'QAnon' was that there was a whistleblower with top US government clearance giving out the secrets.

The secrets are right there, you just need to know how to decode them! And for 12 monthly low payments of 999.99, I'll show you how!

Knowing what cults often do when their leaders are young, teenage girls, this is incredibly sad and disturbing.

QAnon are notoriously obsessed with pedophilia, so no surprise that they make this claim.

Wait. They believe JFK is alive, too? I knew about JFK, Jr but not the JFK part.

No. He's supposed to come back from the dead.

Because.... Something about the government wanted to kill him and he's been in hiding but somehow he was going to reveal himself and tell everyone that Trump is the true president (yeah I know it doesn't make any damn sense on many levels).