Which Lemmy app do you use?

somedude5@lemm.ee to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 71 points –

I've been using Jerboa so far. It's pretty nice. At first I was a bit sceptical because it seemed a little half baked. But it's growing on me. Also now that I've used it for a while I think it's relatively well rounded feature wise. It is quite minimal, but I think a lot of people probably like that. I think long term if other apps come up that are more similar to the existing 3rd party Reddit apps I will probably switch though.

My main issue so far is not being able to follow links to communities inside the app. I imagine this will probably be more difficult to implement than on Reddit because of federation, but hopefully apps can get that working eventually.

Also it can be difficult to add new communities from other servers even via search. Which is also a federation issue.

I also miss the features from Reddit Is Fun which let you choose which content is displayed in-app vs in a web browser. But that's only a minor annoyance so far.

I find I am getting used to the visual style of comments. I initially didn't like it, but it's growing on me.

Yeah I'm looking to contribute so we can address some of the issues.

I was planning to open a pr this afternoon for adding adaptive icon support.

Edit: I did it! It was already implemented there were a few tags missing I added

Lack of in app browser is a big complaint from me.

When you open a link from Jerboa it should open a mini in-app version of your main browser. If your default browser app is set to Firefox it will say "Powered by Firefox" and if it is Chrome it will say "Running in Chrome". UX wise it is very similar to having a bundled in-app browser. But the rendering is handled by your main browser.

I'm not up-to date with the story behind this, but my understanding is that new apps that want in-app browers should be implemented in this way. This seems to be the modern way of doing it. The reason for it I believe is mostly security. Your main browser app should be up-to-date on security patches and features, and if apps can just piggie back off that then they don't need to worry about shipping and patching their own in-app copy of the browser. Also it respects the user's choice of default browser. So if your default browser is Chrome it will use that for the in-app browser for all apps that work this way (which is quickly becoming most apps).

Another advantage of doing it this way is that when you use the "Open in Firefox" button it seems to just move the tab from one app to the other rather than reloading it, so it happens almost instantly.

For a Reddit/Lemmy app though I would still prefer images to load in the app itself, because it's more seamless. For now Jerboa handles images and GIFV just like any other link.

RIF let's you configure this, which is nice. For Jerboa I think the default should eventually be to load them in the app itself (RIF calls this "Native").

Edit: Jerboa does already load the OP image in-app when you open the comments. I think that behavior shouldn't change. It's just when you open the image from the news feed that it opens it like a link currently.

Oh I understand completely how it works. I would just prefer that my links open in app so whatever I view on jerboa doesn't end up in my browser history or especially my YouTube history.

I love how nerdy everyone on lemmy is. Brings a tear to my eye to see so much Firefox love.

I use Mlem on ios. Still really early but it gets significantly better with every new release

Yeah, todays release improved it significantly

I would use Mlem...if it supported iOS 15..not going to lose my 15.1 jailbreak. I've been using one called "Memmy" on TestFlight...but it's nowhere near the support and likely updates that Mlem is going to have

I started with Jerboa on Android but then saw someone post that the Lemmy web UI was a progressive web app that you could "install" to act as a standalone sort of app. Jerboa was missing the key feature of being able to view communities on other instances in the app.

I've been using the web app as a stand alone app for a few days now. I like it more than Jerboa bc I can follow other communities. Although eventually I hope to switch to an Android app for ease of use.

Jerboa was missing the key feature of being able to view communities on other instances in the app by clicking on a link to them.

I guess I'm missing something because I believe I can do this? For instance, I drill down and look at comics@lemmy.ml or news@beehaw.org all the time in jerboa. What is it you're trying to do?

Those links open my email app

Shouldn't a community link start with a ! normally?

Edit: That link crashes jerboa

Edit 2: Probably needs to be [removed because crashes]

Edit 3: Lol still crashes jerboa I give up.

Edit 4: Removed the links that made jerboa crash

Same for my with Jerboa. At least the Version that will be released next week let‘s me sort comments by Old. The development seems to have increased a lot in the last weeks.

If I clicked on the community a post or comment came from I could navigate to it. But if someone posted a hyper link to another community the app would open up a web view.

I may be wrong but I think this actually comes down to the linker linking incorrectly.

This can be solved by going to your phones settings, then search for "Opening Links". Then tap on Jerboa, click on "Add links" and tick all boxes. Now it will automatically open the links in the app!

There is Thunder for both Android and iOS.

Which is basically pre alpha. You can't post, comment or meaningfully customize your experience yet.

I mean all of them are in pretty much the same state. I shared the alternative option as the 3 other options were already mentioned.

Wdym? Jerboa is basically feature complete, it's only missing in customization and quality of life features. You can post, subscribe and comment. It has several different styles to choose from and offers customizable default sorting.

I use Jerboa mostly because it was the first one that popped up

I've stopped to use jerboa. On mobile I prefer the web browser. Its fully functional and act like an app with an shortcut on the drawer :)

Same. I installed the web as an app, which is working much better for me. Jerboa needs some work before it's ready for prime time.

Yeah, no doubt that will coming, for the both way to do. With time we will see great improvements I'm sure.

I think jerboa is the only one available for android

I’m playing about. I am on IOS so I saved the web app on the home screen as well and I find myself using it to find new communities/ comment/ post. I like Memmy as I enjoy the look and feel, I just feel it’s lacking a bit of functionality (such as receiving notifications, or searching for communities), but it easier to block communities on it. Mlem is nice as well, but again lacking a bit functionality wise (does not have search, cannot see post history, cannot receive notifications). At the moment I am switching between them depending on my needs at the moment and I will decide on one depending on their development in the future. I don’t mind testing new stuff and I enjoy discovering updates as they are coming on each of them

Edit: sorry, don’t know why it posted as reply, I thought I was replying to the main thread

There are apps? I've been using the website on mobile.

I currently use Mlem on iOS. I’m very happy so far and they improve it with every update.

Posting this again, as for some reason it got posted as a reply…

I’m playing about. I am on IOS so I saved the web app on the home screen as well and I find myself using it to find new communities/ comment/ post. I like Memmy as I enjoy the look and feel, I just feel it’s lacking a bit of functionality (such as receiving notifications, or searching for communities), but it easier to block communities on it. Mlem is nice as well, but again lacking a bit functionality wise (does not have search, cannot see post history, cannot receive notifications). At the moment I am switching between them depending on my needs at the moment and I will decide on one depending on their development in the future. I don’t mind testing new stuff and I enjoy discovering updates as they are coming on each of them

Mlem does have search. Tap the middle of the top bar, where it says “Subscribed” or “All”. Then tap “Communities…”

I’m surprised people can’t discover this, considering it’s the same workflow as Apollo.

I tried it, put in the link to the community (one of the main Support ones) and nothing happened… tried with another, again nothing. I thought I was using the wrong link, went from the web app, searched for it, copied the link from the search results, went back to Mlemm, pasted it and again nothing…. :(

I'm using a combination of Jerboa and running the website in Native alpha. Hopefully Jerboa gets even better with time.

I’m on iOS, currently running Mlem and Memmy.

I'm currently just using the default app.

Ie, when you click the button in chrome to add app to desktop.

Leaves room to be desired, will check out jeroba soon though

I went into Chrome on Android and saved it to the home board (or what it's called) and it works really well, better than I expected to be honest. It stays logged in and stays where I was when I left it, it's quite fast and look good, without anything breaking on mobile.

i’m currently using the Memmy App flight test. it’s in really early stages but is better than the browser.

Memmy! It’s getting updates rapidly and it’s looking very good so far. It’s going to be cross-platform shortly as well. Also has a lower bar for contributors compared to Mlem. A redesign is also in the works.

Safari on iOS and Firefox on my desktop and laptop. So far I haven’t found an app for iOS that is not in TestFlight.

For some odd reason Firefox on iOS hangs when I’m trying to log in to my Lemmy homeserver.

Jerboa doesn't work for me. Every time I try to login I get a weird java NULL exception error. I wonder if it's cause my Lemmy is a bit outdated (YUNH version). I have had some good luck with lemmur, however it looks like it has not had any updates in months. I am going to try native web app on mobile and see how that goes too

Mlem user here. It works pretty great for my needs

Jerboa here, too. Could use a little work, but seems stable, intuitive, and usable for me at this point. Better than the website definitely, which was having major issues when I tried it a few times.

Memmy! It’s getting updates rapidly and it’s looking very good so far. It’s going to be cross-platform shortly as well. Also has a lower bar for contributors compared to Mlem. A redesign is also in the works.