Dethroning, rises as the second most active instance to – 298 points –

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Wow, things have changed since I last posted in /c/fediverse. Here are the top five most active instances based on monthly active users:

  • 19516
  • 3779
  • 2970
  • 2355
  • 2293



I'm also impressed by presence, Fediverse culture seems strong in Germany

Anyone from Germany care to comment on why this is? Y'all seem to have such a large presence on here compared to others

I'm from another nation-oriented instance that has an outsized presence, right next to Duitsland.

My guess is:

  • Germany is a big, populated country
  • People from DACH also gravitate towards
  • The culture kinda gives itself to the project
  • The NL and the EU are the main funders of Lemmy
  • The government itself is embracing the Fediverse

What is DACH?

German-speaking countries in Europe. Deutschland (Germany), Austria and of course the Confœderatio Helvetica (Switzerland).

It's the country codes for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (Deutschland for the D, Confederation Helvetica for the CH). Those are the three countries with a majority of their people speaking German other than Liechtenstein, which is extremely small

It also means roof and is reminiscent of Dachsprache. One of those unreasonably neat acronyms.

And in particular it's the vehicle registration codes, ISO 3166 for Austria is AT (hence also the TLD).

I think one reason is the large number of German users on the Internet. With around 100 million speakers, German is the second most spoken native language in the West after English.

According to the application texts, many users seem to come from various podcasts. We are also "endorsed" by one of the largest German-language subreddits on its front page (r/ich_iel). Our users have also started to watermark their memes, which occasionally attracts new users. Feddit also made it into an article in a popular IT magazine (heise).

Wait, isn't French second with 210k?

~~ ~~

Sorry, misread, you are correct about native speakers!

Is Latin America not the western world? That would add another 200 million or so Spanish speakers.

Aren't Spanish speakers on their own link agregator, ?

No idea. But they said "German is the second most spoken native language in the West after English" whereas the wikipedia article is on Europe, so that would exclude Latin America if it's part of the west. I believe if they are included, they absolutely dwarf the number of German speakers.

It's a good question though why there are so few Spanish speakers here (or at least visible).

Generally internet culture In the Dach region is very active and forward looking, and potentially ideologically aligned with the idea of Fediverse and generally FOSS software and privacy. E.g. for Wikipedia language share German got overtaken by Spanish only within the last 5 years slipping from 2nd to 3rd suggesting some early adopter and internet participation higher than the norm.

Subjectively a lot of people here have uneasiness with big tech, and are relatively informed about alternatives.DACH on Reddit was also very big, and very ideologically opposed to API changes and general Reddit corpo behaviour. Subjectively again Dach and ich_iel felt like home when I joined, essentially like the Reddit culture I was used to, just with a little more progressive views across the board.

Also I suspect that German language speakers are fairly active within the English speaking parts of the internet in general, while Spanish and French as well as other non Germanic languages seem to have more disdain for English language content and sites, Germans and Dutch as well as Nordics are very comfortable with English as a common language.

Curious about the blank stats for hexbear. Should this populate over several weeks or do they pull from OUR statistics and it just didnt take them yet?

we've got fewer active users but have an outsized post/comment count

Yeah, dunno how #10 accurately reflects our rank because we are far and away more active than many of these instances

Well, you've got a 3 year head start as I understand it, no?

Hexbear is at 1.62k MAUs, good for 7th most on Lemmy (ignoring because it's presumably filled with alts).

But your 3.7 million comments absolutely dwarf every other server. Props on that, but it's largely representative of past activity.

I believe that your admins are blocking that information from being scraped. If that's not the case, then it's probably due to the fact that you guys run a unqiue fork of the Lemmy code.

But it's certainly not about the timing, afaik.

I wonder how many of the accounts on world are ones that are just left for dead as people moved around to other instances. I myself was day one on world but the outages became too much.

Probably a lot. I expect LW to go down to something around 17k, maybe even a bit less

I was also on world but switched to when they defederated hexbear.

Made my first Lemmy account on on the first weekend of June, but the outages of late June/early July pushed me (with some encouragement from others who've already made the jump earlier) to make a account. It was only supposed to be an alt, to be used when is unusable, but the Meta fiasco then made me decide to make my main.

I've been on since day one of my Lemmy existence, because shit just works.

It also doesn't overdo it with defeds (beehaw) and isn't run by tankies ( or nazis (exploding-heads). is hosted in the USA? I wonder how long til it gets raided by the feds

I think that is an artifact of their Cloudflare use. The main server is AFAIK in a Hetzner data center in Helsinki, Finland.

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Of course it's the one instance where I accidentally capitalized my username and can't change it to a lower case letter.

Who knew Lemmy was so big in Estonia?

Wait, is French ?

The .ml is the country extension for Mali, which was colonized (read that how you want) by France along with other regions of Africa. Just recently French troops left Mali after a nine year military operation to fight Islamic militants.

Pretty impressive! Wonder where kbin instances fit in those stats.

Kbin is pretty nice, but sometimes it feels like it is... a bit too nice? Clean UI, better uptime, but also seems a little bit more closed. Makes me feel a little paranoid. Is there a corporation running it?

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