Guys ruins someone concert experience while sexting chatbot

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 121 points –

If that ruined the whole concert, you’re extra as fuck XD

Who gives a fuck that they're on their phone.. at least they're not drunkenly bumping into people the whole time

Forreal, did they ruin your experience because that's the same chatbot that you sext? Like who fuckin cares if he wasn't to be a weirdo lol

Lol, picturing OP taking this picture while sobbing bitter tears because Tina-bot02 is cheating on him.

I don’t get it. Is he playing sound?

Dude I was at this concert, but there was another guy there who was on his phone doing something weird...the whole concert was ruined!

The moaning from the phone was literally louder than an actual concert. You couldn't hear the music, at all.

He connected via bluetooth to the concert speakers and played the sounds of blowjob.

This is definitely a “tap him on the shoulder and say Bro…” moment.

Nah this is a "Mind your own fucking business" kinda moment.

Like if the light is bothering you, tell them, or tell an usher, why the fuck is it so ok to take creepshots. That's what creeps do.

Not that this guy isn't a creep, he could be... The evidence we have is pretty overwhelming, but so is the person behind him taking this picture.

But also.... Don't look at porn in public, even text porn, man I'm really torn up inside on this one.

Like if the light is bothering you, tell them, or tell an usher

Given the cups of booze and how many people have their phones out I don't think this is that fancy of an establishment

I had a stroke reading that title

Can't imagine it was a concert he wanted to go to. Must be taking his kid to see whatever kids go see these days. Harry Styles?

That makes it worse 😆! Imagine going somewhere with your kid and watching porn in the meantime 😆

Anyone watching porn in a public place has clearly passed some kind of threshold from which I doubt they'll come back. Absolutely no fucks left in those white hairs.

Maybe he's into exhibitionism a little?

Gotta get pumped up to get home and make them a sibling I guess

I'm just glad both hands are on the phone...but yeah, I'd be moving somewhere else or something.

That chat bot looks like she's seen better days. Yikes.

“Licks your “

“adult games” “lips traveling”

wtf is this shit bro