Biden administration moves to loosen weed restrictions to – 118 points –
Slightly higher times: Biden administration moves to loosen weed restrictions

Biden is going to handle this like the Covid checks. Make a big promise hinging on the election and then under deliver. Then waste a couple years and make some executive memo bullshit that gets tied up in the courts. If he lives that long.

I want legal weed and more. Just saying Biden isn’t the guy to deliver.

Biden already did steps 1 and 2, and step 3 is in process. So far, Biden has made the most progress on weed legalization of all US presidents 🤷

Suppose he just shouldn't try then huh? I guess doing nothing is what you prefer.

They demand everything, and if they don't get it, they stay home on election day, let Trump win, and let the world burn. Because that's what a mature and reasonable person does. They stomp their feet, then snatch the ball away and go home.

Who is “they”? Because your hypothetical situation is the exact opposite of what happened in Biden v Trump. Plenty of “them” did turn out and vote for Biden even if he’s not their preferred candidate.

I want legal weed and more. Just saying Biden isn’t the guy to deliver.

What if he was though?

What if you could pull up a website and punch a few keys in an Joe fucking Biden would show up at your door with a paper baggie full of marijuana?

"Heelo, I am Joeseph Biden. I haev a delivery for you of the Pot."

Ice cream cone in one hand, dime bag in the other, rocking his sunglasses to hide his red AF eyes

1 more...

"I don't know what they have to say, It makes no difference anyway, whatever it is, I'm against it. No matter what it is or who commenced it, I'm against it"

1 more...

Making it schedule III still doesn't help people who are arrested with it for federal drug charges, and makes recreational harder. Like someone in the article said, this feels like it's a giveaway to big pharma. It's not like there are recreational ketamine or testosterone dispensaries.

Oh well, I'll just keep doing it illegally, getting more and more used to laws being stupid and overbearing, and hating the government even more.

If you have the option, maybe look @ moving to a blue state that is doing all it can to keep the crazies at bay and create human-centric societies.
Personally, it isn’t the most important thing to me, but I did vote for it to be legal and I am proud that I’m aligned with the majority of my neighbors on the issue!

Moving to a different state wouldn't change the fact I'm breaking federal law every day.

Right now, in fact.

Fuck the police.

Yeah, the federal law needs to be fixed.
In the meantime though, it is pretty unlikely that they would go after anyone.
Keep on following state / local laws and vote where you can to improve things at a federal level!
That is my plan anyway.

I'll take common sense measure that will all but guarantee Biden reelection.